-------- Originalnachricht --------
Wittgen=steine: Two talks this term
30.09.2024 08:37
Martin Kusch <martin.kusch(a)univie.ac.at>
Hermes <hermes(a)lists.philo.at>, Forum <forum(a)lists.univie.ac.at>
Dear All,
The "Wittgen=steine" group organises a talk tomorrow:
October 18th, 2024, 3:00pm to 4:30pm, HS 3B:
Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen, "Wittgenstein and the difficulty of
avoiding failures of decency"
Taking my lead from Wittgenstein, I will investigate the difficulties
involved in acknowledging one's lack of decency and moral failures.
After a short reflection on my use of the word 'decency', I will work to
show that a vital reason why we have a tendency to avoid acknowledging
our moral failures is that they bring into question our personal moral
standing or moral position, and this will lead to an exploration of the
idea of the personal dimension of ethics, touched upon by Wittgenstein
in several remarks published in _Culture and Value_. The difficulties
involved in acknowledging failure will also be illuminated through
Hannah Arendt's interpretation of the Socratic slogan that it is worse
to do what is unjust than to suffer it. Finally, I will look at
different ways in which we may work to avoid acknowledgement of failure,
through revision of our moral position or by using ordinary
psychological measures of repression or forms of evasion such as
aggressiveness, confabulation or deferral. I finally discuss how
deferral is often a component in attempts to deflect our current failure
to act appropriately in the light of climate change.
Everybody welcome!
Best wishes from the organizers,
Esther Heinrich
Anja Weiberg
Martin Kusch
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Wenn Sie selbst einen Beitrag zur GAP-Infomail haben, senden Sie uns
diesen bitte als einfachen Text im Emailkorpus unter info(a)gap-im-netz.de
Beiträge, die uns bis Freitag 10 Uhr erreichen, werden per GAP-Infomail
am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bremen, Deadline: 29.11.2024)
13 PhD Positions in Contradiction Studies at the University of Bremen
(2) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 08.11.2024)
The Role of Imagination in Learning, Understanding, and Knowledge
Call for Interferences - Act up/Building up: EcoTechGender Action Group
Online-Workshop: Wissenschaftsgeleitetes Publizieren und Open Access in
der Philosophie
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 28-30.11.2024)
Emerging Biotechnologies and Ethics
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 05-06.12.2024)
Workshop: Mental Files in Philosophy and Psychology: Merits and Limits
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 23-24.01.2025)
Workshop: Recent Work on Authoritative and Formal Normativity
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bremen, Deadline: 29.11.2024)
13 PhD Positions in Contradiction Studies at the University of Bremen
The Research Training Group "Contradiction Studies--Constellations,
Heuristics and Concepts of the Contradictory" at the University of
Bremen is welcoming applications for 13 3-year positions as Doctoral
This interdisciplinary group examines the ways in which individuals,
groups, institutions, and states navigate the concept of contradiction,
particularly in relation to the prevalent demand for consistency
(freedom from contradiction). It aims to develop novel forms and
procedures for addressing the inherent contradictions of living
together. (Philosophers should note that it not only studies logical
contradictions, but also a broad range of other types of
Members of the group are expected to complete their dissertation over
the course of the term. They are expected to participate in the
modularized doctoral program and in the group's research colloquium. The
working language of the program is generally English. The positions
carry no teaching obligation and are 75% positions paid on a TV-L 13
basis (which translates to a net pay of at least 26.500EUR/year).
Deadline for application is Nov 29, the positions are expected to begin
on June 1, 2025.
For the full job advert, see:
For the research group's website, see:
Applicants with research interests in (or adjacent to) philosophy are
welcome to contact Norman Sieroka (sieroka(a)uni-bremen.de) before
applying. (See also
(2) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 08.11.2024)
The Role of Imagination in Learning, Understanding, and Knowledge
Dear all,
We cordially invite you to the hybrid Workshop "The Role of Imagination
in Learning, Understanding, and Knowledge", which will be held at the
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (GA 04/187) on the 8th of November 2024, from
9:30 to 17:15 CET.
Philosophers across various traditions and areas of research have long
debated the epistemic roles of imagination. While imagination is often
associated with creative thinking and the discovery of possible or
fantastical worlds, the question remains: does imagination enhance our
understanding of the actual world and help us acquire knowledge?
This workshop brings together experts across various
fields--phenomenology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of
mind--to examine the diverse epistemic roles of imagination. By
exploring how imagination can be a source of learning, deepen
understanding, and contribute to knowledge formation, we aim to foster
interdisciplinary dialogue and uncover new insights into this essential
cognitive process.
Confirmed speakers:
* Kristina Liefke (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Joshua Myers (University of Barcelona)
* Sofia Pedrini (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Zuzanna Rucińska (University of Antwerp)
* Alfredo Vernazzani (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Markus Werning (Ruhr University Bochum)
Organizers: Sofia Pedrini, Alfredo Vernazzani, Markus Werning (Ruhr
University of Bochum).
For the full program and the Zoom link, visit:
For further questions send an email to sofia.pedrini(a)rub.de
Call for Interferences - Act up/Building up: EcoTechGender Action Group
Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn
The era of strictly demarcated sciences is over, at least since the
COVID-19 pandemic. Over the years, changing social values, modern
technologies, but also scientific misconduct and demands for
emancipation based on diversity have led to the fact that science has
become a multidisciplinary but also increasingly interwoven institution
since at least the second half of the 20th century. The present bias is
particularly evident in the institutionalization of knowledge and
content from the humanities and the natural sciences and technology,
which are in part still strictly separated and not automatically related
to each other. This lack of contextualization and intertwining of
nature, culture, technology, society, and gender theory can be
illustrated by a number of problematic examples: Crash test dummies that
only represent men and make cars all the more unsafe for women; toxic
cultures of masculinity in engineering courses that make it almost
impossible for women to build careers and reveal a serious lack of
female role models; racist or sexist algorithms that overwhelm the
increasingly important AI and fuel resentment; or supposedly glorious
inventions by men for women, such as the Pinky Gloves released in 2021,
that reveal a sometimes disastrous picture of gender stereotyping. All
these examples clearly show that there is an urgent need to link the
cultural sciences and humanities, which have been strictly separated,
with the natural, technical, information and engineering sciences.
However, these experiences also show how strong the influences of
social, political, economic and societal factors are, which also have an
unconscious effect on the natural and technical sciences and their
results. This modern change therefore confirms all the more the
establishment of an interlocking perspective and instructions for action
for the scientific enterprise. An appropriate culture/expansion of
discourse makes it possible to show how research in the natural,
technical, information, and engineering sciences can be seen and
evaluated in a multiple and constantly changing world in the context of
society, politics, the environment, technology, and gender. Science is
no longer a homogeneous and awe-inspiring entity that can sustain
itself. It is increasingly criticized and confronted with demands to
open up and to represent all aspects of social life in an interconnected
way. There is therefore a need for other interfaces and interconnections
that drive this world of research, transform it, make it usable, and
build it in a future-oriented way. This particular entanglement has
always been explored in the EcoTechGender research project [1] (est.
2007 by Prof. Dr. Ruth E. Hagengruber [2]).
In the context of a workshop, we would like to emphasize this importance
once again, work it out together, and offer space for a
philosophical-interdisciplinary workshop and discourse in which young
scientists can present their visions and contributions to the
entanglement field of EcoTechGender. In addition to invited speakers,
lecture slots will be advertised in order to provide a platform for
exchange for interested young scientists. The aim of the workshop is to
present different perspectives on EcoTechGender from young scholars from
different academic disciplines to show the interferences of humanities,
social sciences, science and technology studies, medicine and computer
The workshop will be introduced by our Keynoter _Kateryna Karpenko [3]_,
Director of the Center for Gender Studies at Kharkiv National Medical
University, Ukraine. Afterwards, we will have the opportunity to follow
and listen to several different PhD students from STEM fields,
STS-Studies, medicine, gender studies and philosophy, who will present
their views and ideas on EcoTechGender. For more inspiration have a look
at our preliminary program [4].
The Workshop will take place on November 15, 2024 at the _Center for the
History of Women Philosophers and Scientists_ as _online event._ For
participation please register via our registration platform [5].
_The workshop is organized by __Ruth E. Hagengruber [2]__ & __Felix
Grewe [6]__._
For further questions please contact:
Online-Workshop: Wissenschaftsgeleitetes Publizieren und Open Access in
der Philosophie
Die Veranstaltung umfasst folgende Themenschwerpunkte:
- allgemeine Informationen zu Open Access
- die (vermeintliche) Wirkung von Metriken auf das Renommee von
Forschenden: Warum entscheiden sich Forschende, bei einem bestimmten
Verlag zu publizieren?
- Publikationsvorhaben im Diamond Open Access: Welche technischen
Lösungen und editorischen Workflows, Herausforderungen bzw. Desiderate
- Diskussion des Positionspapiers "Elektronisches Publizieren und
Bewertung philosophischer Expertise" und die Wirkmacht der eigenen
Ziel des Workshops ist es, Good-Practice-Beispiele vorzustellen,
Publikationsmöglichkeiten zu entdecken und Handlungsspielräume des
wissenschaftsgeleiteten Publizierens auszuloten.
Die Veranstaltung findet statt anlässlich des World Philosophy Day am
21.11.2024, 15.00 bis 17.30 Uhr im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts
open-access.network in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Philosophie (DGPhil), dem FID Philosophie und dem Open-Access-Büro
Berlin (OABB). Es handelt sich um eine Online-Veranstaltung via Webex.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, um verbindliche Anmeldung wird bis zum 19.
November 2024.
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter:
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 28-30.11.2024)
Emerging Biotechnologies and Ethics
_Marsilius Kolleg, Heidelberg University_
_28-30 November 2024_
For registration and additional information please visit:
The rapid advancement of biotechnologies presents unprecedented
opportunities and challenges across various domains of human life.
Innovations like synthetic cells, living materials, soft robotics, brain
organoids, artificial intelligence in healthcare, and germline editing
promise breakthroughs in science and medicine. They also raise profound
ethical and anthropological questions about the nature of life, human
identity, and the social impacts of altering biological processes.
_The workshop _seeks to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue between
life sciences researchers and scholars engaged in ethical,
philosophical, and social reflection on these advancements. It _is a
joint venture between the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering
and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM), the Max Planck Institute for Medical
Research (MPImR), and the Marsilius-Kolleg. _
_The event will open with a public panel discussion at the Neue Aula of
Heidelberg University on Thursday (November 28th) on the topic of brain
organoids,_ followed by two days of talks and in-depth discussions.
The majority of speakers will be drawn from Heidelberg University and
its renowned local research institutions, including the German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT),
and Heidelberg University Hospital as well as the IMSEAM and the MPImR
themselves. _The workshop will also feature S. Matthew Liao, Arthur
Zitrin Professor of Bioethics at the School of Global Public Health at
New York University (NYU), as the keynote speaker_, adding an
internationally recognized voice to the ethical debates surrounding
emerging biotechnologies.
For registration and additional information please visit:
Any further questions can be directed to:
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 05-06.12.2024)
Workshop: Mental Files in Philosophy and Psychology: Merits and Limits
_Ruhr-University Bochum, Venue: GAFO 04/619_
Meeting-ID: 863 6140 4677
Password : A4L8ev
_Scientific Organization: _Francesco Marchi, Albert Newen, Julia Wolf
_Please register: _Attendance is free, but we have limited seats and,
thus, registration is mandatory for in person participation only.
To register, please, send an email to
hilfskraefte-newen(a)ruhr-uni-bochum.de(Venue details will be send then)
_Thursday December 5th_
Lunch: 12.00-13.30 (meeting at north main entrance of the building GA
at11:55, see description)
Start Workshop: 13.30
Talk 1: 13.30-14.30 _Francois Recanati, Collège de France:_ _Reference
Through Indexed Files_
Break: 14.30-14.45
Talk 2: 14.45-15.45 _Julia Wolf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum_: _Files,
Links and Indexes - The Development of Perspective Taking in the Mental
Files Framework_
Break: 15.45-16.15
Talk 3: 16.15-17.15 _John Perry, Stanford University_: _TBA_
Dinner: 18.30
_Friday December 6th _
Talk 4: 9.00-10.00 _Francesco Marchi & Albert Newen, Ruhr-Universität
Bochum_: _The A-B-C of belief_
Break: 10.00-10.15
Talk 5: 10.15-11.15 _Julia Smortchkova & Michael Murez, Institute Jean
Nicod_: _First impressions of people and people-files_
Break: 11.15-11.30
Talk 6: 11.30-12.30 _Christian Scholz, Ruhr-Universität Bochum_:
_Modelling Aphantasia Competency in the Mental Files Framework_
Lunch: 12.30-13.45
Talk 7: 13.45-14.45 _Josef Perner, Universität Salzburg_: _The
Developmental Impact of Managing Coreferential Files_
The workshop is part of the DFG funded D-A-CH project "Structure and
Development of Understanding Reasons and Actions" (PIs: T. Schlicht, A.
Newen, H.-J. Glock, J. Perner)
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 23-24.01.2025)
Workshop: Recent Work on Authoritative and Formal Normativity
Over the past decades, a range of different fields in philosophy has
made use of the distinction between a _formal _and an _authoritative
_variety of normativity. However, within the metanormative literature,
scholars have come forward raising doubts about the conceivability of
that distinction, and several attemps have been made to rebuttal these
reasons supporting scepticism. In the course of this workshop, we aim to
bring different voices and perspectives on the authoritative-formal
divide and its application together.
* Derek Baker (_Frankfurt_)
* James Brown (_Sheffield_)
* Eline Gerritsen (_Hamburg_)
* Susanne Mantel (_Heidelberg_)
* Elizabeth Ventham (_Salzburg_)
* Michael Vollmer (_Heidelberg_)
* Jonathan Way (_Southampton_)
* Jack Woods (_Leeds_)
_Location:_ Universitätsplatz 1, 69117 Heidelberg
To register and for more information:
_Organizers:_ Susanne Mantel & Michael Vollmer
[1] https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/ecotechgender/
[2] https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/ruth_e_hagengruber/
[3] https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/kateryna-karpenko/
[5] https://indico.uni-paderborn.de/event/86/registrations/107/
[6] https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/felix-grewe/
Dear VDP members,
This is a reminder of the upcoming VDP events:
1. The next Writing Evenings are on Oct 29 and Nov 05. They offer an
excellent environment for writing your dissertation (or other text). If
you have not yet joined us, try it and see if it works for you.
2. Doctoral Student Assembly
We are formally inviting you to the first student assembly of the new
academic year on 31 october from 5 – 7 pm in room 2i, NIG (2nd floor,
universitätsstraße 7, 1010 vienna). The schedule will be the following:
i) short overview of numbers, fundings and (last year’s) budget,
provided by the scientific coordinator of the VDP Raphael Aybar;
ii) objectives and issues to be brought forward at the next VDP steering
committee meetings/ STUKO meetings and to be pursued in the upcoming
year on behalf of the doctoral researcher representatives;
iii) observations, questions, suggestions on behalf of the doctoral
iv) advice, insights and discussion with Léah Maurer and Isabel Seelmann
from the SSC; possibility to ask for information regarding
recognition/administrative processes or similar.
We strongly encourage all doctoral students to attend the meeting and
participate in the discussion, as this is an essential contribution to
the doctoral community and an opportunity to raise important
observations and concerns. Researchers who are new at the department are
encouraged to use this space for connecting with their colleagues and
sharing their questions and needs.
At the end of the assembly there will be pizza and drinks; after the
assembly, doctoral students will also gather in a Halloween party, which
you are welcome to join. In order to calculate our needs for the
assembly, we kindly ask you to register for participation via email to
All best,
Mira Magdalena Sickinger, Lisa Tragbar, Pia-Zoe Hahne, Nianzu Tu
(doctoral researcher representatives and substitute members)
3. Philosophy PhD Job Applications
Date: 04.11.24 - 14:00-15:30 - Room 3A
Speakers: Katalin Farkas (CEU), Max Kölbel and Georg Schiemer
Moderator: Emelia Stanley
If you're considering a Ph.D. in philosophy, or if you're a doctoral
researcher and planning to apply for funded positions, this workshop is
for you. Participants will learn how to identify opportunities, what
hiring committees are looking for, how to put together a competitive
application, and how to best prepare for interviews.
The workshop will familiarize participants with the types of PhD
positions available in philosophy and give them some practical ideas on
how to put together an outstanding application. Prof. Farkas, Prof.
Kölbel, and Prof. Schiemer will share their insights on how to write
cover letters, CVs, research proposals, and writing samples. They'll
also give tips on how to prepare for job interviews.
Dear All,
You are cordially invited to an evening of warm conversation, laughter and insight, as Helena de Bres (Wellesley College, USA) uses the curious experience of being a twin as a lens for reconsidering our place in the world. De Bres will read from her book How to Be Multiple: The Philosophy of Twins and discuss its themes with Paulina Sliwa (University of Vienna). The audience will be encouraged to join the conversation, with plenty of time for questions and comments. The discussion will be followed by a wine reception.
Location: Grand Loft, FILMQUARTIER Wien
Date: Friday, 29 November 2024
Time: 6 - 8:30pm
More details & registration here: How to Be Multiple: The Philosophy of Twins | CEU Events<https://events.ceu.edu/2024-11-29/how-be-multiple-philosophy-twins>
Jason Means
Jason Means, MA
Director of Management and Transfer
FWF Cluster of Excellence Knowledge in Crisis
Department of Philosophy, Central European University
Pronouns: He/Him
Tel: +43 1 25230 7538
Cluster Website
Cluster Newsletter<https://mailchi.mp/fa5ba53b06ab/kic_monthly>
[A black background with a black square Description automatically generated with medium confidence]<http://www.instagram.com/knowledgecrisis> [A white x on a black background Description automatically generated] <http://www.twitter.com/knowledgecrisis> [cid:image004.jpg@01DB2925.6D4A8290] <https://mailchi.mp/fa5ba53b06ab/kic_monthly> [cid:image005.png@01DB2925.6D4A8290] <https://www.youtube.com/@knowledgecrisis>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Hermes] Workshop on the Ethics of Climate Emergency, November
15 Vienna
Date: 25.10.2024 12:39
From: Ali Emre Benli via Hermes <hermes(a)lists.philo.at>
To: Hermes <hermes(a)lists.philo.at>, Iris <iris(a)lists.philo.at>,
Reply-To: Ali Emre Benli <ali.emre.benli(a)univie.ac.at>
Dear all,
Please find below a Call for Registration for our workshop on the Ethics
of Climate Emergency that will take place here at the University of
Vienna on November 15.
Workshop on the Ethics of Climate Emergency
Co-hosted by Department of Philosophy University of Vienna and Knowledge
in Crisis FWF Cluster of Excellence.
November 15, 2024
Room 3A, Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
A declaration of climate emergency calls for a radical break from
business-as-usual in climate policy. Yet it raises crucial moral,
political and institutional questions: Should the demands of urgency and
the extent of potential harm alter procedures of decision-making or
frameworks of justification? Which courses of action/institutions are
permissible to avoid the harms of global warming? How should we
understand responsibilities for remedying loss and damage as well as
future generations in the context of climate emergency? This one-day
workshop will bring together researchers working on the above and
related issues surrounding climate emergency.
Kathrin von Allmen (Harvard University)
Ali Emre Benli (University of Vienna)
Angela Kallhoff (University of Vienna)
Ross Mittiga (SOAS University of London)
Tracey Skillington (University College Cork)
The workshop is free, but places are limited. Online participation is
possible. Please register via workshop registration [1].
Program is available at The Ethics of Climate Emergency -- University of
Vienna [2]
For further information, see
Please send your enquiries to ali.emre.benli(a)univie.ac.at
Ali Emre Benli
Universitätsassistent (PostDoc)
Chair of Ethics and Applied Ethics
University of Vienna | Department of Philosophy
[1] https://forms.gle/Pg5NcuvJAS1E3czf9
Hermes mailing list -- hermes(a)lists.philo.at
To unsubscribe send an email to hermes-leave(a)lists.philo.at
MSc. Mag. Raphael Aybar, BA
Scientific Coordinator
Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7, B0301
1010 Wien
On 24/10/2024 14:54, Leonie Bossert via Hermes wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> This is a friendly reminder that we are inviting abstracts for our
> Winter Workshop on "Rethinking Wild Europe: European Perspectives on
> Wilderness, Rewilding and Biodiversity Conservation", which will take
> place on
> 7-8 February 2025,
> here at the University of Vienna (in the NIG).
> Keynotes: Dr. Martin Drenthen (Radboud University), Dr. Monica Vasile
> (Maastricht University)
> Deadline for abstracts: 31. October 2024
> For more information, please see the CFA attached.
> Best wishes,
> Leonie
> Am 09.09.2024 12:37, schrieb Leonie Bossert via Hermes:
>> Dear all,
>> We are inviting abstracts for our Winter Workshop on "Rethinking Wild
>> Europe: European Perspectives on Wilderness, Rewilding and
>> Biodiversity Conservation", organized by The International Society for
>> Environmental Ethics (ISEE) and the Center for Environmental and
>> Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P)
>> 7-8 February 2025, University of Vienna
>> Call for Abstracts (Deadline: 31. October 2024)
>> The convergent climate change and biodiversity crises increasingly
>> remind humans about the importance and precarity of their
>> socio-ecological surroundings, thus shifting perspectives on nature,
>> wild(er)ness and nonhuman others. This shift includes a renewed
>> appreciation for ‘the wild’. New responses to climate change and
>> biodiversity loss such as rewilding, spearheaded by organisations like
>> Rewilding Europe and Rewilding Britain, are rapidly gaining popularity
>> in Europe. Simultaneously, conservationists applaud the recent return
>> of large predators in many European regions. Other novel approaches to
>> ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation reflect a similar
>> desire to respect and restore wildlife, and to facilitate different
>> human-animal or human-nature relations. Long associated with other
>> parts of the world, wildness and wilderness appear to have made a
>> come-back in the European landscape and imagination. But what is the
>> meaning of these concepts in a European context? How do they influence
>> the European approach to biodiversity conservation? Do Western and
>> Eastern European approaches differentiate, or are they relatively
>> similar?
>> This workshop will address the ethics and narratives surrounding
>> wilderness, wildness, rewilding, and ecological restoration in Europe.
>> We aim to assess the impact of these concepts and approaches on the
>> European landscape, which has historically been a hybrid mixture of
>> wildlife and human culture. The tension between, on the one hand, the
>> desire to welcome wild animals and wilderness (back) to Europe and, on
>> the other, preserving and rekindling cultural value and identity
>> animates the debate on rewilding, biodiversity conservation, and land
>> management. Wilderness, and more recently rewilding, have been
>> criticised as colonial, patriarchal, and anthropocentric concepts.
>> While much of this debate takes place in a North American context,
>> Europe has its own challenges to face: among them, human-wildlife
>> conflict; ongoing debates on land use, land access, and land
>> sovereignty; divergent views on wild(er)ness between conservationists
>> and local stakeholders; and concerns about animal welfare in rewilding
>> projects. The event will address these (and other) issues arising
>> within European conservation and rewilding.
>> Keynote speakers: Dr. Martin Drenthen, Associate professor in
>> Philosophy at Radboud University (NL); second keynote speaker TBA
>> We invite abstracts (300 words) for 15-minute presentations addressing
>> wild(erness) narratives and/or the ethics of rewilding, biodiversity,
>> wilderness and wild animal conservation, and ecological restoration,
>> with a primary focus on Europe. Possible topics may include (but are
>> not limited to):
>> o The distinct European approach to rewilding and conservation,
>> o Novel and critical approaches to conservation and rewilding (e.g.
>> place-based or community-led, decolonial, feminist, or compassionate
>> conservation approaches),
>> o Central and Eastern European perspectives,
>> o Conflicts of interests between local stakeholders and
>> conservationists,
>> o Coexistence with large carnivores,
>> o (Overcoming) colonialism and patriarchy in conservation,
>> o Indigenous perspectives on conservation and land use,
>> o Socio-ecological justice in a rewilding or conservation context,
>> o Wild animal ethics,
>> o The role of technology and AI in conservation and rewilding,
>> o Changing human-animal or human-nature relations,
>> o The concept of wilderness in European history and philosophy,
>> o Contemporary European representations and meanings of wild(er)ness,
>> o Comparative perspectives on European approaches and conservation
>> in other parts of the world.
>> 300-word abstracts, prepared for double-blind review, should be sent
>> to rethinkingwildeurope(a)gmail.com by October 31, 2024.
>> Please remove all identifying information from your abstract. In a
>> separate document, send us a cover letter including your name, title,
>> institutional affiliation, and a very short bio (max. 100 words).
>> Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by November 30, 2024, at
>> the latest. There will be a registration fee of approximately between
>> 50€ and 100€ for the event. A special issue in a leading
>> international journal is planned as a follow-up to the conference.
>> Organising team: Leonie Bossert (ISEE), Linde De Vroey (ISEE), Iwona
>> Janicka (CETE-P), Petr Urban (CETE-P).
>> _______________________________________________
>> Hermes mailing list -- hermes(a)lists.philo.at
>> To unsubscribe send an email to hermes-leave(a)lists.philo.at
> _______________________________________________
> Hermes mailing list -- hermes(a)lists.philo.at
> To unsubscribe send an email to hermes-leave(a)lists.philo.at
Dear VDP members,
I am forwarding a call for applications for two postdoc positions in
Francois Récanati's ERC project on mental files.
With best wishes,
Wir sind um die Verbreitung der unten stehenden Informationen gebeten
Wenn Sie selbst einen Beitrag zur GAP-Infomail haben, senden Sie uns
diesen bitte als einfachen Text im Emailkorpus unter info(a)gap-im-netz.de
Beiträge, die uns bis Freitag 10 Uhr erreichen, werden per GAP-Infomail
am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Graz, Deadline: 12.11.2024)
University Assistant without doctorate (m/f/d)
(2) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Genf, Deadline: 30.11.2024)
Funded PhD Position in Philosophy of Science
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (München, Deadline: 31.12.2024)
The Syntax and Semantics of Formalisations in Philosophy
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Dortmund, Deadline: 10.01.2025)
Dortmund Disputes on Economic Justice
(5) CALL FOR PAPERS (Jena, Deadline: 14.02.2025)
SSHAP 2025
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Innsbruck, 30-31.10.2024)
Book Symposium on Thomas Grundmann's forthcoming book "Expert Authority
and the Limits of Critical Thinking" (OUP)
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Frankfurt, 04-06.11.2024)
Christine M. Korsgaard: Value and Freedom in Kant's Moral Philosophy
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Graz, Deadline: 12.11.2024)
University Assistant without doctorate (m/f/d)
_University Assistant without doctorate (m/f/d)_
* Application deadline 12.11.2024
* Salary CategoryB1 without PhD
* Salary per Year (Full Time) EUR 50,103.20
* Employment Start As soon as possible
* Hours per week 30 h/w
* Duration of Contract Temporary employment
* Temporary Employment 4 years
Apply here:
Please note that in order to comply with the applicable data protection
regulations, we can only accept applications via our web-based applicant
tool for this vacant position.
Your Responsibilities
1. Writing a dissertation at the University of Graz in the area of moral
and political philosophy, preferably on issues of intergenerational
justice, climate justice, historical justice, and transitory justice
2. Collaboration in (interdisciplinary) research projects especially at
the interface of philosophy and economics or law
3. Independent teaching of courses and participation in teaching and
examination tasks of the department
4. Student suport and supervision
5. Participation in organizational and administrative tasks as well as
in evaluation measures
Your Profile
1. Completed diploma or master's degree in the area of Philosophy
2. Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English
3. Willingness to acquire German language skills
4. Very good MS Office skills
5. Scientific curiosity and interest in working on current research
6. Independent working style and high level of initiative
7. Strong teamwork and organizational skills
_The following documents are required for a complete application:_
1. Letter of motivation and academic CV
2. Complete proof of completion of the degree program required in the
call for applications
3. Proof of the language skills, required in the curriculum, if the
doctoral program [1] is not completed in the first language.
We Offer
* _Meaning:_ We offer meaningful work for the world of tomorrow.
* _Collaboration:_ With us, you'll find interdisciplinary,
cross-professional opportunities to work together.
* Our internal continuing _education program_ is as colorful as the
university itself.
* _Benefits:_ Of course, there are all the usual benefits, from A
"access to healthcare services" to Z "Zero emission goal".
* _Flexibility:_ We demonstrate flexibility not only with the various
working time models but also trough the offers for the compatibility of
family and career.
About us
At the University of Graz, 4700 employees work together on future
questions and solutions for the world of tomorrow. Our students and
researchers face the great challenges of society and carry the knowledge
out. We work for tomorrow. Become part of it!
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer, lukas.meyer(a)uni-graz.at
The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in
particular in management and faculty positions and therefore encourages
qualified women to apply. In the event of underrepresentation, women
with equal qualifications are generally given priority for admission. We
welcome applications from persons with disabilities who meet the
requirements of the advertised position.
(2) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Genf, Deadline: 30.11.2024)
Funded PhD Position in Philosophy of Science
The Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva, is seeking
applications for a funded PhD position in philosophy of science. A high
level of proficiency in French is a firm requirement, as candidates will
be expected to teach undergraduate classes from the beginning.
For full consideration, applications should be sent until 30 November
For more information see
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (München, Deadline: 31.12.2024)
The Syntax and Semantics of Formalisations in Philosophy
_Venue and date:_ LMU Munich, 27-28 June 2025
_Submission Deadline:_ 31 December 2024
_Notification of Acceptance:_ 15 March 2025
_Contact:_ Formalisations2025(a)gmail.com
_Website:_ https://philevents.org/event/show/127594
_Conference Overview_
We are pleased to invite submissions for the conference _The Syntax and
Semantics of Formalisations in Philosophy_, to be held at LMU Munich on
27-28 June 2025. This event will explore the relationship between formal
methods and philosophical inquiry, focusing on the challenges, debates,
and implications of formalising philosophical concepts.
The conference will feature four keynote talks and eight contributed
presentations mainly across three main topics:
_1. The Feasibility and Challenges of Formalising Philosophy:_ This
theme examines the adequacy of formal methods in capturing the nuances
of philosophical ideas, identifying common challenges such as potential
oversimplification and loss of depth, and exploring the relationships
between terms and concepts within formal systems.
_2. Pros and Cons of Using Formalisations in Philosophy:_ This topic
addresses the ongoing discussion regarding the value of formal methods
in philosophy, highlighting their benefits, including enhanced precision
and clarity, alongside the limitations imposed by formal systems, such
as the risk of diminishing the richness of philosophical discourse.
_3. Conceptual Pluralism and Choosing the Right Formalisation:_ This
theme recognises the diversity of formal methods and evaluates the
criteria for selecting the most appropriate approaches for philosophical
inquiry, considering the intended applications and goals of
We welcome contributions that provide original insights into these and
related topics. Historical approaches or comparative studies across
different philosophical schools are also encouraged.
_Keynote Speakers_
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Georg Brun (University of Bern)
- Sven Ove Hansson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
- Anna Brożek (University of Warsaw)
_Submission Guidelines_
We invite abstracts of up to 500 words, excluding references, which
should clearly present the main argument and its relevance to the
conference topics. Submissions will undergo a blind peer-review process.
Please submit your anonymised abstract by _31 December 2024_ through the
following Google Form: https://forms.gle/CwK6QPvBDHfyHgtaA
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent out by _15 March
We warmly invite submissions from scholars from underrepresented and
minority groups in philosophy.
We are looking forward to receiving your submissions and hope to welcome
you in Munich for a stimulating and collaborative exchange of ideas.
The Organising Committee
Andreas Frenzel, Beinan Li, Luis F. Bartolo Alegre
Doctoral Students at LMU Munich, Munich Center for Mathematical
Philosophy (MCMP)
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Dortmund, Deadline: 10.01.2025)
Dortmund Disputes on Economic Justice
Date: June 12 and 13, 2025.
Place: Dortmund, Germany
Keynotes: Miranda Fleischer (San Diego), Nicholas Vrousalis (Rotterdam)
Organizers: Peter Königs, Christian Neuhäuser, Lea Prix, Dick Timmer (TU
Dortmund University)
Most fundamental questions of economic justice remain unresolved. There
is little agreement on the place of markets, the nature of property, the
justifiability of taxes, the importance of workplace democracy, the
injustice of economic inequality, and, generally, the merits of
capitalism and socialism.
While debates on economic justice often take place within specific
political camps, where many assumptions are shared, the Dortmund
Disputes take a different approach. The idea of the Dortmund Disputes is
to foster debate across political boundaries. It seeks to bring together
open-minded scholars with diverse political outlooks--whether liberal
egalitarian, libertarian, socialist, conservative, or otherwise--who are
committed to our shared goal of advancing our understanding of economic
The keynote speakers for the first installment of the Dortmund Disputes
are Miranda Fleischer and Nicholas Vrousalis. Miranda Fleischer is
Richard and Kaye Woltman Professor in Finance at University of San
Diego's School of Law. Her work focuses on ethical and legal issues
surrounding taxation, wealth and wealth transfer, and charitable giving.
She's the co-author of a recent book on Universal Basic Income. Nicholas
Vrousalis is Associate Professor in Practical Philosophy at Erasmus
University Rotterdam [2]. His work revolves around distributive ethics,
democratic theory, and the history of political philosophy, with
emphasis on Kant, Hegel, and Marx. He is the author of a recent book on
capitalism and exploitation.
We invite scholars to apply with an abstract of around 500 words.
Abstracts will be selected based on their quality, fit with the spirit
of the conference, and broad alignment with the research interests of
the keynote speakers. They should be sent as PDF attachments to Swaantje
Siebke [swaantje.siebke(a)tu-dortmund.de], prepared for blind review. The
deadline for submission is January 10, 2025.
Limited funding is available to cover travel and accommodation expenses
for speakers who cannot otherwise finance these costs.
(5) CALL FOR PAPERS (Jena, Deadline: 14.02.2025)
SSHAP 2025
_July 23-26, University of Jena._
The thirteenth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the
History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) will be held at the University
of Jena, July 23-26, 2025. The annual meeting is locally organized by
Tabea Rohr. The main conference venue will be _Rosensäle_, Fürstengraben
27, in the center of Jena.
July 26, 2025 is the exact centenary of Frege's death, and one principal
aim of this annual conference is to commemorate that event.
_Invited Speakers:_
* Gottfried Gabriel (Jena)
* Richard Kimberly Heck (Brown)
* Maria van der Schaar (Leiden)
* James Tappenden (Michigan)
_Submission Deadline:_
The submission deadline is February 14, 2025. In the past, some of the
papers presented at the annual conference were published in the _Journal
for the History of Analytical Philosophy_.
The meeting is to be held in-person, and preference will be given to
submitted talks that are able to be presented in-person. There will be a
limited number of time slots available for those who need to present a
paper remotely by video. Participants who wish to use this option should
indicate this in their cover sheet.
_Individual Paper Submission Instructions:_
Long abstracts (500-1000 words) should be prepared for anonymous
refereeing, put into PDF file format, and sent as an email attachment to
SSHAP2025(a)uni-jena.de. The subject line of the submission email should
include the key-phrase "SSHAP submission", and the body text of the
email message should constitute a cover page for the submission by
1. return email address
2. author's name
3. affiliation
4. paper title
5. short abstract (50-100 words)
6. whether you will need to present remotely if your paper is
Time allowed for presentation is 45 minutes (including discussion).
_Panel Submission Instructions:_
A panel organizer is requested to submit their proposal electronically
according to the following guidelines. Long proposals (500-1000 words)
describing the panel's theme and its panelists (up to a maximum of four)
and their respective papers should be prepared for blind refereeing, put
into PDF file format, and sent as an email attachment to
SSHAP2025(a)uni-jena.de. The subject line of the submission email should
include the key-phrase "SSHAP submission (panel)", and the body text of
the email message should constitute a cover page for the submission by
1. return email address
2. organizer's name
3. organizer's affiliation
4. panel title
5. short abstract (50-100 words)
6. the names and affiliations of all panelists
7. whether any panelists will need to present remotely if your panel
is accepted.
Time allowed for each presentation is 45 minutes (including discussion).
_About SSHAP: _
SSHAP is an international organization aimed at promoting discussion in
all areas of scholarship concerning the development of analytic
philosophy. It welcomes scholars interested in the many ways in which
this development was influenced by thinkers such as Bolzano, Brentano
and his school, Husserl, Frege, Russell, the Vienna Circle,
Wittgenstein, Tarski, Quine, and the Polish school, for instance, but
also seeks to promote work engaging with lesser-known figures and
trends, and its reception in countries right across the world.
Submissions to the SSHAP annual conference in all areas of the history
of analytic philosophy are welcome.
_Conference Homepage: https://sshap2025.uni-jena.de/_
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Innsbruck, 30-31.10.2024)
Book Symposium on Thomas Grundmann's forthcoming book "Expert Authority
and the Limits of Critical Thinking" (OUP)
Department of Christian Philosophy
University of Innsbruck
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
_Abstract of the book_: Public confidence in scientific experts is high,
particularly in times of crisis. But experts are not beyond doubt. In
his forthcoming book, Thomas Grundmann argues that a different attitude
towards experts is needed. Laypeople should stop thinking for themselves
and typically defer to experts. In short, laypeople should treat experts
as epistemic authorities. Grundmann presents a novel argument for this
bold view and engages with its main challenges. For example, doesn't the
view make experts too powerful and completely immune to criticism? The
book replies to these and many more concerns about the authority of
experts. On its way issues such as the history of epistemic authority,
expert identification, the role of expert authority in resisting
conspiracy theories, epistemic autonomy, and the role of experts in
politics are addressed.
Sofia Bokros [3], _Uppsala University_
Katherine Dormandy [4], _University of Innsbruck_
Thomas Grundmann [5], _University of Cologne_
Rico Hauswald [6], _Technische Universität Dresden_
Christoph Jäger [7], _University of Innsbruck_
Hatice Kaya [8], _University of Cologne_
Federica Isabella Malfatti [9], _University of Innsbruck_
Pedro Schmechtig [10], _Technische Universität Dresden_
Johanna Stüger [11], _Cambridge University_
DK Philosophy of Religion [12]
TWF - Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung [13]
Erika Cremer Habilitationsprogramm [14]
_To register, contact:_ federica.malfatti(a)uibk.ac.at
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Frankfurt, 04-06.11.2024)
Christine M. Korsgaard: Value and Freedom in Kant's Moral Philosophy
Christine M. Korsgaard, die an der Harvard University lehrt, ist eine
der wichtigsten Philosophinnen unserer Zeit. Ihr Werk widmet sich unter
anderem einer Rechtfertigung menschlicher Würde, einer Grundlegung
unseres richtigen Handelns und der Begründung des moralischen Status von
Tieren. In den Dagmar-Westberg-Vorlesungen geht sie in drei Vorträgen
zentralen Fragen der Praktischen Philosophie Kants nach, die sie auf
innovative Weise deutet. Der erste Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit dem
unvergleichlichen Wert des Individuums und ergründet, was es eigentlich
heißt, „Zweck an sich selbst" zu sein. Der zweite Vortrag ist dem
Zusammenhang von richtigem und gutem Handeln gewidmet und weist als
wesentliches Kennzeichen deren Autonomie aus. Im dritten Vortrag wird
schließlich Moralität als Bedingung unserer Freiheit thematisch.
_4. November_
The Incomparable Value of the Individual
_5. November_
Constitutivism and the Value of an Action
_6. November_
How We can be Free
Zeit: 18.15 Uhr
Ort: Campus Westend, Haus Normative Orders, Raum EG 01,
Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2
* Vorträge auf Englisch
Veranstalter: Institut für Philosophie (Prof. Dr. Marcus Willaschek),
Forschungszentrum Normative Ordnungen (Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst)
[1] https://doctoral-academy.uni-graz.at/en/doctoral-studies/
[2] https://www.eur.nl/en/esphil
[3] https://philpeople.org/profiles/sofia-bokros
[4] https://philpeople.org/profiles/katherine-dormandy
[5] https://philpeople.org/profiles/thomas-grundmann
[6] https://philpeople.org/profiles/rico-hauswald-3
[7] https://philpeople.org/profiles/christoph-jager
[8] https://philpeople.org/profiles/hatice-kaya-1
[9] https://philpeople.org/profiles/federica-isabella-malfatti
[10] https://philpeople.org/profiles/pedro-schmechtig-3
[11] https://philpeople.org/profiles/johanna-stuger
[12] https://www.uibk.ac.at/dk-philosophyofreligion/
by Initiative to Support Women in Academic Philosophy
Dear all,
Here a short reminder for the Stammtisch or "regular's table" of UPSalon
UPSalon are a group of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers; the
initiative aims at creating a space and community in Vienna where
underrepresented philosophers – such as women, trans, inter and
non-binary persons, BIPOC, socioeconomically
disadvantaged people, queer people, and people with disabilities – can
connect on a regular basis. For more information, check out our website:
People from all stages in their philosophical studies are welcome, and
we are especially excited to meet new people!
Tunnel Vienna, Florianigasse 39, 1080 Wien
Oct 22nd at 6:30 PM
We are very much looking forward to meeting all of you!
Do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions you may have.
Best regards,
Mail: upsalon.philosophy(a)univie.ac.at
Web: https://upsalon.univie.ac.at