Dear all,
This is a reminder that
1) The VDP Writing Evening is today from 15:00-19:00 in room 3A.
2) The next Faculty Public Presentation (FöP) will be held tomorrow,
Dec. 11, starting at 1:30 p.m. in Room 2H, NIG (see attachments).
Best wishes,
Raphael Aybar
Wir sind um die Verbreitung der unten stehenden Informationen gebeten
Wenn Sie selbst einen Beitrag zur GAP-Infomail haben, senden Sie uns
diesen bitte als einfachen Text im Emailkorpus unter info(a)
Beiträge, die uns bis Freitag 10 Uhr erreichen, werden per GAP-Infomail
am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
Wenn sich Ihre Mitgliedsdaten geändert haben, denken Sie bitte daran,
dies mitzuteilen. Sie können dafür unser Webportal [1] nutzen.
Herzliche Grüße
Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla
(Geschäftsführer der GAP)
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Karlsruhe, Deadline: 15.01.2025)
PhD Position: Social and ethical aspects of sustainability analysis of
battery raw materials
(2) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Stuttgart, Deadline: 15.01.2025)
Wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (100%)
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (Bochum, Deadline: 19.01.2025)
KogWis 2025, 1.-3.09.2025: Call for Symposia
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Bochum, Deadline: 01.02.2025)
Workshop with Jonathan Birch (LSE): The Edge of Sentience
(5) CALL FOR PAPERS (Frankfurt a. M., Deadline: 28.02.2025)
Sinn und Bedeutung 30 (SuB30) and Special Session Philosophical and
Linguistic Approaches to Negation
(6) CALL FOR PAPERS (Norwich, Deadline: 01.03.2025)
Workshop: Experimental argument analysis
(7) CALL FOR PAPERS (Bochum, Deadline: 15.04.2025)
KogWis 2025, 1.-3.09.2025: Call for Papers and Posters
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Karlsruhe, Deadline: 15.01.2025)
PhD Position: Social and ethical aspects of sustainability analysis of
battery raw materials
The Graduate School KLIREC is offering a PhD position at the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology, KIT, on the _social and ethical aspects of
sustainability analysis of battery raw materials_ at the earliest
possible time. The duration of the position is one year, and an
extension is scheduled for another two years based on a positive
evaluation after the first year.
This interdisciplinary PhD project is jointly supervised by Marcel Weil
(technology assessment) and Rafaela Hillerbrand (philosophy of
engineering and technology) and is part of the KLIREC graduate school
Batteries, as a versatile storage option for electricity, are seen as an
enabling technology of the energy transition towards renewables, both
for the mobility sector and for ensuring the electric grid's stability.
At present, lithium-ion batteries are widely used, especially in the
mobility and stationary application sectors. Lithium-ion batteries
contain critical raw materials like e.g., cobalt, nickel, copper, and
graphite, besides lithium. However, the extraction of these metals may
have adverse social and environmental impacts. While the latter are
addressed to some extent in sustainability assessments, there is not
much work yet on the ethical aspects of extraction and usage,
particularly regarding circular economy frameworks. This PhD project is
meant to fill this research gap and connect quantitative environmental
sustainability research with qualitative ethical research. A particular
focus shall be placed on international justice aspects within energy
We offer a 1-year contract with the possibility of an extension of
another 2 years within KLIREC and affiliation with ITAS (Institute for
Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis), KIT. You will participate
in the graduate school training program and join a research group at
ITAS offers a lively inter- and transdisciplinary research environment
for technology assessment with a strong focus, amongst others, on
sustainability analysis of emerging energy technologies, life cycle
analysis, and philosophy of engineering and technology.
What we are looking for: You should have a strong background and hold a
master's degree in applied ethics, preferably ethics of engineering and
technology, or in technology assessment, preferably life cycle analysis
(LCA)/material flow analysis (MFA) and have a very strong interest in
the respective other field. You are fluent in English and highly
motivated to work in an interdisciplinary environment and be able to do
independent research. Experience in interdisciplinary collaborations is
Please send your application _by 15.1.2025_ with the usual documents
(CV, including three contact persons for a letter of reference, and a
writing sample) in a single document to rafaela.hillerbrand(a) in
an email with the header "KLIREC 2024".
For any questions about this position, please contact:
(2) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Stuttgart, Deadline: 15.01.2025)
Wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (100%)
Am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Stuttgart ist eine Stelle
als wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) ausgeschrieben (100%, E 13 TV-L). Die
Stelle ist auf 3 Jahre befristet.Der Stellenantritt erfolgt am 1. April
2025 oder nach Vereinbarung.
* Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Umfang von 4 SWS
* Eigenständige philosophische Forschung
* Promotion in Philosophie
* Lehrerfahrung in Philosophie mit einem Schwerpunkt in der praktischen
Philosophie oder der Geschichte der Philosophie
* Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse; gute Englischkenntnisse von Vorteil
Bei Interesse schicken Sie bitte folgende Unterlagen zusammengefasst in
einer PDF-Datei bis zum 15. Januar 2025 an
christian.martin(a) Bewerbung
* Anschreiben
* Lebenslauf (einschließlich Übersicht der abgehaltenen
* Promotionsurkunde
* Schriftprobe beliebiger Länge
Die Auswahlgespräche finden voraussichtlich in der letzten Januarwoche
statt. Bei weiteren Nachfragen kontaktieren Sie bitte
Die Universität Stuttgart ist eine führende technisch orientierte
Universität in Deutschland in einer der bedeutendsten Hightech- und
Industrieregionen Europas. Sie ist verlässliche Arbeitgeberin,
Partnerin für Technologietransfer und steht für die interdisziplinäre
Integration von Ingenieur-, Natur-, Geistes-, Wirtschafts- und
Sozialwissenschaften auf der Grundlage disziplinärer Spitzenforschung.
Die Universität Stuttgart möchte den Anteil der Frauen im
wissenschaftlichen ereich erhöhen und ist deshalb an Bewerbungen von
Frauen besonders interessiert. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher
Eignung vorrangig eingestellt. Informationen zum Umgang mit
Bewerberinnen- und Bewerberdaten nach Art. 13 DS-GVO finden Sie unter [2].
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (Bochum, Deadline: 19.01.2025)
KogWis 2025, 1.-3.09.2025: Call for Symposia
_Open now until 19th of January 2025_
We encourage the joint submission of thematically related papers of a
key research topic as symposia. Symposia will be allocated 2 hours slots
for 3 speakers across different disciplines. The convener should submit
the following:
* A general abstract of no more than 250 words about the symposium
topic, motivating its relevance.
* Name three symposium speakers with their talks' titles, and a short
abstract of no more than 150 words.
The selection of symposium talks should stimulate interdisciplinary
discussion. If researchers are not accepted as part of a submitted
symposium, they are nevertheless encouraged to submit their manuscripts
under the regular call for papers. We presuppose that the speakers have
confirmed their participation.
Please, note that each participant can present only once at KogWis 2025
(in a symposium or with an individual paper or poster). Co-authors who
are not presenting their co-authored work may nonetheless present
another work. Please note that we will not be able to offer any
financial support for contributed symposia.
The template form can be found at:
Please submit the filled-out template form labeled
"Title_OrganizerLastName" to: kogwis2025(a)
_Please note that the Call for Papers and Posters is open until April
15th 2025 and can be found here:
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Bochum, Deadline: 01.02.2025)
Workshop with Jonathan Birch (LSE): The Edge of Sentience
Ruhr-University Bochum, June 12-13, 2025
It's an honour and a pleasure to host Prof. Jonathan Birch in Bochum. He
is Professor in LSE's Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific
Method and specializes in the philosophy of the biological sciences.
Jonathan will present three lectures on his recent book 'The Edge of
Sentience' (OUP, open access) and we invite early career researchers
(PhD students and Postdocs) to submit abstracts (max. 700 words) for
peer reviewed talks. Please send them by email to
franziska.klasen(a) Deadline is February 1st, 2025.
Tobias Schlicht & Team
Ruhr-University Bochum
(5) CALL FOR PAPERS (Frankfurt a. M., Deadline: 28.02.2025)
_Sinn und Bedeutung 30_ (SuB30) and Special Session _Philosophical and
Linguistic Approaches to Negation_
_Sinn und Bedeutung 30_ will take place at Goethe University Frankfurt
from September 23-27, 2025. The conference is jointly organized by the
Institute of Linguistics, the Institute of English and American Studies,
and the Institute of Philosophy. It will feature a three-day main
session (Sept. 24-26) and two one-day special sessions. Special Session
I is titled _Beyond Descriptive Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of
Demonstrations_ (LingDem) (Sept. 23) and will be held in cooperation
with the Priority Program ViCom. Special Session II will be held in
cooperation with the CRC NegLab and is titled _Philosophical and
Linguistic Approaches to Negation_ (PhilLingNeg) (Sept. 27). We are
pleased to announce that we can offer interpretation between English and
American Sign Language / International Sign for Special Session I
(LingDem). A call in International Sign will be available soon.
_Conference website:_
_Email:_ sub30(a)
_Invited speakers (main session):_
* Magdalena Kaufmann (University of Connecticut)
* Orin Percus (University of Nantes)
* Julia Zakkou (University of Düsseldorf)
_Invited speakers (special sessions): _
_Beyond Descriptive Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of
Demonstrations_ (LingDem)
* Floris Roelofsen (University of Amsterdam)
* Website:
_Philosophical and Linguistic Approaches to Negation_ (PhilLingNeg)
* Elena Herburger (Georgetown University)
* Website:
_Call for abstracts_
We welcome abstract submissions for talks or posters on topics related
to natural language semantics, pragmatics, the syntax-semantics
interface, philosophy of language, and psycho-/neurolinguistic studies
related to meaning. We especially encourage contributions that
incorporate experimental evidence, although all submissions should aim
to advance a formal model of natural language semantics and pragmatics.
We welcome abstract submissions for talks or posters on topics related
to natural language semantics, pragmatics, the syntax-semantics
interface, philosophy of language, and psycho-/neurolinguistic studies
related to meaning. We especially encourage contributions that
incorporate experimental evidence, although all submissions should aim
to advance a formal model of natural language semantics and pragmatics.
* Abstracts must present original research that has neither been
published nor accepted for publication at the time of submission. Each
individual may submit a maximum of one abstract as a sole author and one
as a co-author (or two as a co-author) for both the main and special
sessions combined. Abstracts submitted for the special session will also
be considered for the main session.
* Authors should indicate whether they would like their abstract to be
considered for a talk, a poster, or both.
* Submissions should be anonymous and should not include any identifying
* Abstracts should be formatted to fit within two pages (letter size or
A4 paper, with 2.54 cm or 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point Times
New Roman font). An additional third page may be included exclusively
for references (mandatory), large figures or tables, and lines
corresponding to glosses and translations in non-English examples.
Examples, whether glossed or not, should be integrated into the main
text rather than collected at the end.
* Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format via OpenReview by Friday,
February 28, 2025 (23:59 Central European Standard Time): [3]
Note that you will first need to create an author profile at OpenReview
and it may take some time before your account gets fully activated and
ready for submission. Please make sure to do so as soon as possible in
order to ensure that your account is active before submission deadline.
(6) CALL FOR PAPERS (Norwich, Deadline: 01.03.2025)
Workshop: Experimental argument analysis
Workshop: Experimental argument analysis: Interdisciplinary perspectives
on verbal reasoning
July 9-10, 2025
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Keynote: Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh)
This satellite workshop of the 5th European Experimental Philosophy
Conference brings together experimental philosophers, cognitive
psychologists, and experimental linguists, to open up the experimental
philosophy of verbal reasoning as a new interdisciplinary field of
study. Three slots are reserved for submitted papers. Accommodation
costs of presenters will be covered. Submission deadlines for 500-word
abstracts: _March 1st, 2025_. Programme and submission link:
_* Methods:_ How can empirical studies support the reconstruction or
evaluation of verbal reasoning? Which conceptual and empirical tools can
be adapted for this purpose and how? How can formal and experimental
methods be combined to facilitate normative evaluation?
_* Mechanisms:_ How do automatic comprehension and production inferences
shape verbal reasoning? What biases affect such inferences? Which
factors affect specifically the contextualization of default inferences?
How are irregular polysemes processed? What norms do people rely on for
specific arguments of interest? How much individual variation is there
in this respect?
_* Applications:_ How can insights into language processing, and
specifically polysemy processing, support the assessment of
philosophical arguments? How effective are verbal arguments at changing
people's minds? Which aspects of automatic language processing influence
the persuasiveness of verbal arguments? To what extent do such arguments
contribute to philosophical puzzles and paradoxes? How can insight into
automatic language processing support the improvement of our conceptual
(7) CALL FOR PAPERS (Bochum, Deadline: 15.04.2025)
KogWis 2025, 1.-3.09.2025: Call for Papers and Posters
The conference KogWis 2025 aims at providing a platform for discussing
the most recent developments in Cognitive Science. It will feature
contributed papers, symposia, and posters covering all subfields of
cognitive science, bringing together a large number of experts from
Europe and overseas. Concerning Call for Symposia see:
In the following we focus on the _Call for Papers & Posters._
The conference is structured with the following sections
* Agency, Action and Joint Action
* Animal Cognition and Cognitive Evolution
* Anthropology and Culture
* Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems
* Cognitive Development
* Cognitive Neuroscience
* Cognitive Robotics
* Computational Modeling
* Decision Making
* Education
* Language and Cognition
* Logic and Reasoning
* Memory and Learning
* Mental Disorders and Emotion
* Movement, Behavior, and Motor Control
* Perception and Consciousness
* Philosophy of Mind and Cognition
* Philosophy of Science
* Situated Cognition
* Social and Metacognition
The guiding criteria for the selection of the contributions will be the
high quality of contributions and of minor relevance aspects of
interdisciplinarity, clarity of writing, etc.
_Call for Papers and Posters_
We invite contributions on recent research in any subfield of cognitive
science. Each submission should be suitably prepared for blind review.
Please, follow these guidelines when preparing your submission:
* Paper submissions should be no longer than 1200 words, excluding
* Poster submissions should be no longer than 700 words, excluding
* Write your submission in Arial, font size 11.
When filling out the submission form, please select only one section
(subcommittee) according to our 20 areas of research and the type of
your submission: paper only, paper and poster (if not accepted as a
paper, please consider as a poster), poster only.
Each paper presenter will be allocated 30 minutes presentation time (20
min presentation, 10 min discussion). Posters can be up to A0 size (_in
portrait!_, i.e. 841mm wide x 1189mm tall,_ print on paper only_).
Please, note that each participant can present only _once_ at KogWis
2025 (in a symposium or with an individual paper or poster). Co-authors
who are not presenting their co-authored work may present another work.
During the conference, some posters will be selected for the best poster
award. More information about the best poster award will be issued
Please use the online submission system:
Workshop: Wissenschaftliche Philosophie. Transformationen und
Kontinuitäten im langen 19. Jahrhundert
Die Kommission für Geschichte und Philosophie der Wissenschaften der ÖAW
lädt ein, bei einem Workshop die Transformationen und Kontinuitäten der
Wissenschaftlichen Philosophie als Fachdisziplin im langen 19.
Jahrhundert zu diskutieren.
12. bis 13. Dezember 2024
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Collegium
Erdgeschoß, Seminarraum 1
Bäckerstraße 13
1010 Wien
kgpw(at) [1]
T: +43 1 51581-3650
Kommission für Geschichte und Philosophie der Wissenschaften der ÖAW [2]
Wissenschaftliche Philosophie ist der Versuch, Philosophie ausgehend von
den Kriterien der Einzelwissenschaften als eigenständige Wissenschaft zu
etablieren. Die Frage nach ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte wirft folglich
das Problem des komplexen und historisch kontingenten Verhältnisses von
Philosophie und Wissenschaft auf.
Die Kommission für Geschichte und Philosophie der Wissenschaften der ÖAW
lädt zum Workshop "Wissenschaftliche Philosophie" ein, um die
Transformationsgeschichte vom 18. ins 19. Jahrhundert genauer zu
beleuchten. Dabei sollen sowohl die logische Analyse und ihre empirische
Basis thematisiert werden: Erstere liegt in einer Problematisierung der
Natur der Mathematik, der Frage nach dem Gegenstand der Logik bzw. nach
dem Status von regulativen Prinzipien und ihrer Apriorizität; zweitere
im Empfindungsbegriff, dem Konzept raumzeitlicher Gegenstände und dem
Anmeldung erbeten bis 9. Dezember 2024 an kgpw(at) [1]
Mehr Infos und Programm unter:
Dear VDP Member,
This expert talk may be of interest to some of you. To attend, you must
Expert Talk: Career Transition: Dec 19, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 CET (online):
Considering a career beyond academia? Explore insights from 25 years of
experience in industry, consulting, and learning & development, while
staying connected to academia. This expert talk offers practical advice
and leadership lessons to guide your future career decisions. Find out
more and register:…
Raphael Aybar
Verwenden Sie für eigene Einreichungen bitte die Schnittstelle unter:
Für Anregungen zur Verbesserung unserer Angebote sind wir stets dankbar.
Die Geschäftsführung
1) Fellowship 2025/26 (Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover)
2) Post-doctoral Fellowships Political Theory / Political Philosophy
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
3) Wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (100%) im Fach Philosophie (m/w/d) (Universität
4) W2 Professur (m/w/d), Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie (Kunsthochschule
5) PhD Position: Social and ethical aspects of sustainability analysis
of battery raw materials (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
6) Aufklärung jenseits der Öffentlichkeit. Diskursfreiheit,
Geheimhaltung und Exklusivität im 18. Jahrhundert (Deadline: 28.02.2025)
7) CfA: Sammelband "trans Philosophie - zwischen Marginalisierung und
Scheinkontroversen" (erster Sammelband zu trans Philosophie in deutscher
Sprache, Metzler Verlag - Reihe "fem.phil | Gegenwärtige feministische
Philosophie") (Deadline: 15.01.2025)
8) Kritisch-posthumanistische Medienphilosophie. Medialität -
Materialität - Körper (Deadline: 31.01.2025)
9) First-Person Science of Consciousness 2025 - Ontological Implications
for the Understanding of Mind and Reality (Deadline: 31.12.2024)
10) Cognitive Capacities, Cognitive Acts, and Forms of Cognition in Kant
(Deadline: 14.02.2025)
11) Krisis und Kritik: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
phänomenologische Forschung (Deadline: 31.03.2025)
12) XII. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie (Deadline: 15.04.2025)
MS.FR. 12265) (Beginn: 17.12.2024, Ende: 17.12.2024)
14) Jahrestreffen der AEM AG „Feministische Perspektiven in der Medizin-
und Bioethik" (Beginn: 29.01.2025, Ende: 30.01.2025)
15) Geist, Welt und KI (Beginn: 20.03.2025, Ende: 22.03.2025)
Fellowship 2025/26
Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover
Bewerbungsfrist: 31.01.2025
Hannah Wendt
wendt(a) Online ansehen [1]
Post-doctoral Fellowships Political Theory / Political Philosophy
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Bewerbungsfrist: 31.01.2025
Rainer Forst
forst(a) Online ansehen [2]
Wiss. Mitarbeiter:in (100%) im Fach Philosophie (m/w/d)
Universität Stuttgart
Bewerbungsfrist: 15.01.2025
Christian Martin
christian.martin(a) Online ansehen [3]
W2 Professur (m/w/d), Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie
Kunsthochschule Kassel
Bewerbungsfrist: 24.12.2024
Philip Hogh
philip.hogh(a) Online ansehen [4]
PhD Position: Social and ethical aspects of sustainability analysis of
battery raw materials
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Bewerbungsfrist: 15.01.2025
Eike Düvel
eike.duevel(a) Online ansehen [5]
Aufklärung jenseits der Öffentlichkeit. Diskursfreiheit, Geheimhaltung
und Exklusivität im 18. Jahrhundert
Einreichungen an: E-Mail
Deadline: 28.02.2025
Call Bezeichnung: Call for Abstracts
Datum: 04.09.2025 - 10:00 Uhr
Ende: 05.09.2025 - 19:00 Uhr
Veranstalter: Universität Trier - Kant-Forschungsstelle Trier Online
ansehen [6]
CfA: Sammelband "trans Philosophie - zwischen Marginalisierung und
Scheinkontroversen" (erster Sammelband zu trans Philosophie in deutscher
Sprache, Metzler Verlag - Reihe "fem.phil | Gegenwärtige feministische
Einreichungen an: E-Mail
Deadline: 15.01.2025
Call Bezeichnung: Call for Abstracts
Veranstalter: Sammelband "trans Philosophie - zwischen Marginalisierung
und Scheinkontroversen" (erster Sammelband zu trans Philosophie in
deutscher Sprache, Metzler Verlag - Reihe "fem.phil | Gegenwärtige
feministische Philosophie") Online ansehen [7]
Kritisch-posthumanistische Medienphilosophie. Medialität - Materialität
- Körper
Einreichungen an: E-Mail
Deadline: 31.01.2025
Call Bezeichnung: Call for Papers
Datum: 24.10.2025
Ende: 25.10.2025
Veranstalter: Ruhr-Universität Bochum Online ansehen [8]
First-Person Science of Consciousness 2025 - Ontological Implications
for the Understanding of Mind and Reality
Einreichungen an: E-Mail
Deadline: 31.12.2024
Call Bezeichnung: Call for Abstracts
Datum: 15.05.2025
Ende: 17.05.2025
Veranstalter: Alanus University Mannheim Online ansehen [9]
Cognitive Capacities, Cognitive Acts, and Forms of Cognition in Kant
Einreichungen an: E-Mail
Deadline: 14.02.2025
Call Bezeichnung: Call for Abstracts
Datum: 15.05.2025
Ende: 16.05.2025
Veranstalter: Kant Research Centra Trier Online ansehen [10]
Krisis und Kritik: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
phänomenologische Forschung
Einreichungen an: E-Mail
Deadline: 31.03.2025
Call Bezeichnung: Call for Abstracts
Datum: 24.09.2025 - 16:00 Uhr
Ende: 27.09.2025 - 15:00 Uhr
Veranstalter: Institut für Philosophie, TU Darmstadt Online ansehen [11]
XII. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie
Deadline: 15.04.2025
Call Bezeichnung: Call for Papers
Datum: 25.09.2025
Ende: 26.09.2025
Veranstalter: Universität Passau Online ansehen [12]
Ort: Hybrid/ Paderborn University
Beginn: 17.12.2024 - 14:00 Uhr
Ende: 17.12.2024 - 16:00 Uhr
Dr. Pedro Pricladnitzky
pedro.pricladnitzky(a) Online ansehen [13]
Jahrestreffen der AEM AG „Feministische Perspektiven in der Medizin- und
Ort: Göttingen
Beginn: 29.01.2025 - 12:00 Uhr
Ende: 30.01.2025 - 15:00 Uhr
Regina Müller
regina.mueller(a) Online ansehen [14]
Geist, Welt und KI
Ort: Hochschule für Philosophie München
Beginn: 20.03.2025 - 14:00 Uhr
Ende: 22.03.2025 - 12:30 Uhr
daniel martin feige
daniel.feige(a) Online ansehen [15]
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie e. V.
Prof. Dr. Reinold Schmücker
Präsident c/o Universität Münster
Philosophisches Seminar
Domplatz 23
48143 Münster
Vereinsregister: VR 3789
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Leipzig
Vertreten durch:
Prof. Dr. Reinold Schmücker
Prof. Dr. Nadja Germann
PD Dr. Christian Barth
Telefon: 0251 83-24594 [16]
E-Mail: info(a)
Internet: [17]
[16] tel:+492518324594
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
anbei sende ich euch das *Plakat *für die nächste *Fakultätsöffentliche
Präsentation von Dissertationskonzepten der Philosophie (FÖP) ***am
*Mittwoch, dem 11. Dezember 2024* ab *13:30 Uhr im Hörsaal 2H *(NIG, 2.
Stock), mit Bitte um Veröffentlichung/Aushang. Gerne kann die Einladung
mit Interessierten und Studierenden geteilt werden.
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass bei der nächsten FÖP für das leibliche Wohl
gesorgt wird. Vielen herzlichen Dank für eure Unterstützung!
Wir hoffen, dass die Veranstaltung ein Ort der Vernetzung werden kann.
Herzliche Grüße
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the poster for our next *Faculty Public
Presentation of Dissertation Concepts in Philosophy (FÖP)* on Wednesday,
*December 11, 2024 from 1:30 pm in lecture hall 2H* (NIG, 2nd floor).
You are welcome to share the invitation with interested parties and
We are very happy that there will be catering at the next FÖP. *Thank
you very much for your support! *
We hope that the event can become a place for networking.
Best wishes
Call for Abstracts:
2. Würzburger Studierenden-Werkstatt für Philosophie
Das Institut für Philosophie der Universität Würzburg lädt
interessierte Philosophie-Studierende in fortgeschrittenen Semestern
ein, ihre philosophischen Untersuchungen und Forschungen im Rahmen einer
Studierenden-Werkstatt vorzustellen. Der Workshop bietet Studierenden
der Philosophie die Möglichkeit, eigene Ideen vorzustellen, sich an
einem philosophischen Fachvortrag zu versuchen und sich mit etablierten
Forschenden im kollegialen Rahmen des Würzburger Instituts für
Philosophie auszutauschen und zu vernetzen. Dies ermöglicht den
Teilnehmenden, ausgiebige Rückmeldungen zu ihren Arbeiten von
Würzburger Professor*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen zu erhalten und mit
diesen in Dialog zu treten. Im Fokus steht die Einübung einer Praxis
des gemeinsamen philosophischen Denkens.
Weitere Informationen können dem Anhang entnommen werden.…
Dear all,
this Friday we have our symposium "Science and Politics" as part of the
Dissertant*innenseminar. We start again at 2pm at the Verein (Campus,
Hof 1, Eingang 1.2). Unfortunately, there will be only two talks,
because Silke Körber had to withdraw for health reasons (best wishes to
Silke: get well soon!). This will be the schedule now:
2-3pm: Bianca Crewe (UBC Vancouver): The Symbolic View of Science and
its Application in Politics
3-4pm: Christian Damböck (IVC): Fascism as Illogical Reasoning. Rudolf
Carnap's Forgotten Approach
I add abstracts to this email and attach the paper for the second talk.
To those of you interested in Neue Sachlichkeit, here also a reminder to
the book presentation for Hans-Joachim Dahms (ed.), /Franz Roh
1890-1965. Eine Kollektivbiografie/, which takes place tomorrow,
Thursday, 5pm, at the IWK (in German):…
best wishes and see you soon
*Symposium "Science and Politics", Vienna Circle Society (Campus, Hof 1,
Eingang 1.2), Friday, December 6, 2pm:*
2pm: Bianca Crewe (UBC Vancouver): The Symbolic View of Science and its
Application in Politics
It is now common knowledge that a sea-change occurred in the philosophy
of science towards the end of the nineteenth century. Many philosophers
of this era characterize the preceding paradigm as mechanisticor
materialist, in reference to the philosophical outlook, derived by
science and presupposed by science, that suggests a specific view of the
methods, aims, and standards of intelligibility in science and
epistemology. Here, I will describe how this paradigm operates in the
work of three representatives of philosophy in the twentieth century:
Ernst Cassirer, Alfred North Whitehead, and Philipp Frank. These figures
position themselves as overcoming mechanistic philosophy through an
understanding of science as symbolic. I focus on how their broadly
functionalist, semiotic views develop out of reflections on the methods
of the physical sciences in the second half of the nineteenth century
(particularly electromagnetic theory), and how this is taken up in their
later work in considerations of the role of symbols in politics and
culture more generally. All three, I argue, have a critical project in
common, aimed at freedom from historically conditioned symbols. The
primary tool they use in this project is narratives of the history of
philosophy of science.
In the case of Whitehead, my focus is primarily on two lecture series’,
published respectively as Science and the Modern World in 1925, and
Symbolism: its Meaning and Effect in 1927. My focus in Cassirer will be
his application of symbolic forms to nationalism, and in the case of
Frank, I will offer a reading of his symbolic view of science in service
of a humanistic project “synthesizing” the sciences with other parts of
human culture, without just latching onto evocative general terminology
in the sciences (like matter, energy, etc.) to do so. This project moves
to recognize the centrality of the concept of the symbol in twentieth
century philosophy; its genesis, and its common place in the work of
seemingly diverse philosophers, towards a different thematic emphasis in
the history of analytic philosophy and the history of philosophy of science.
3pm: Christian Damböck (IVC): Fascism as Illogical Reasoning. Rudolf
Carnap's Forgotten Approach
In his now completely forgotten contribution to the Harvard Tercentenary
Celebration in 1936, Rudolf Carnap outlines a theory of illogical
reasoning that can be interpreted as a theory of fascist politics. While
theories of fascism often see the loss of humanistic values as the
primary problem, Carnap sees the values of humanism as natural
components of the scientific world conception, so that anti-humanism and
fascism can only arise as a consequence of the loss of the latter.
According to Carnap, illogical thinking occurs in three forms: (a)
political attitudes are disguised as facts or destiny, (b) inconsistent
or logically misconstrued value systems are accepted, (c) insufficiently
confirmed or empirically false premises are taken as a basis. Fascism
arises from propaganda that spreads illogical thinking in society. I
contextualize Carnap's 1936 approach to explain why it was not pursued
further and why value-based theories of fascism continue to prevail
today. On this basis, I also outline some consequences of a Carnapian
understanding of fascism for contemporary politics.
Dear all,
I hope you are well. This is a reminder that
our writing evening for today will be on
03.12.24 - 15:00-19:00, NIG, B0305
The last two sessions of the year are on:
10.12.24, 15:00-19:00, NIG, 3A
17.12.24, 15:00-19:00, NIG, 3A
The full calendar is at…
If you are working on your dissertation, master's thesis or a paper, you
are welcome to join us for a session of focused, peer-pressured but
supportive academic writing.
All the best,
Raphael Aybar
Wir laden herzlich zur Buchpräsentation
Franz Roh 1890-1965. Kunstkritiker, Vorkämpfer der Kultur-Moderne: Eine Kollektivbiographie
Do 05/12/2024
Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Berggasse 17/1
1090 Wien
Hans-Joachim Dahms (ed.), Franz Roh 1890-1965. Kunstkritiker, Vorkämpfer der Kulturmoderne. Eine Kollektivbiografie, Vienna: Virtual Archive of Logical Empiricism, 2024
Mit Beiträgen von Hans-Joachim Dahms und Christian Damböck.
Das Buch „Franz Roh 1890-1965“ setzt sich zum Ziel, den Vordenker und Vorkämpfer der Kulturmoderne auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage nach intensivem Quellenstudium und Archivrecherchen vorzustellen.
Keine Ausstellung, die sich mit der mitteleuropäischen Moderne der 1920 Jahre befasst, kommt heutzutage an Franz Roh als ihrem Begleiter und Vordenker vorbei. Bisher existiert aber keine zusammenhängende wissenschaftliche Erforschung seines Lebens und Werkes. Diese Lücke will dieser Band schließen. Die Beiträge sind von ausgewiesenen SpezialistInnen der zahlreichen Facetten seines Werks verfasst und ergeben , zusammen genommen, eine Kollektivbiographie Rohs, die von seinen Jugendjahren und seinem Fachwechsel von der Germanistik und Philosophie zur Kunstgeschichte noch vor dem ersten Weltkrieg bis hin zu den letzten Treffen mit lebenslangen Freunden in der Mitte der 1965er Jahre reicht.
Joachim Dahms: “Franz Roh und die Neue Sachlichkeit”
Christian Damböck: “Roh und der Wiener Kreis”
Mehr Infos…