-------- Originalnachricht --------
Wittgen=steine: Two talks this term
30.09.2024 08:37
Martin Kusch <martin.kusch(a)univie.ac.at>
Hermes <hermes(a)lists.philo.at>at>, Forum <forum(a)lists.univie.ac.at>
Dear All,
The "Wittgen=steine" group organises a talk tomorrow:
October 18th, 2024, 3:00pm to 4:30pm, HS 3B:
Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen, "Wittgenstein and the difficulty of
avoiding failures of decency"
Taking my lead from Wittgenstein, I will investigate the difficulties
involved in acknowledging one's lack of decency and moral failures.
After a short reflection on my use of the word 'decency', I will work to
show that a vital reason why we have a tendency to avoid acknowledging
our moral failures is that they bring into question our personal moral
standing or moral position, and this will lead to an exploration of the
idea of the personal dimension of ethics, touched upon by Wittgenstein
in several remarks published in _Culture and Value_. The difficulties
involved in acknowledging failure will also be illuminated through
Hannah Arendt's interpretation of the Socratic slogan that it is worse
to do what is unjust than to suffer it. Finally, I will look at
different ways in which we may work to avoid acknowledgement of failure,
through revision of our moral position or by using ordinary
psychological measures of repression or forms of evasion such as
aggressiveness, confabulation or deferral. I finally discuss how
deferral is often a component in attempts to deflect our current failure
to act appropriately in the light of climate change.
Everybody welcome!
Best wishes from the organizers,
Esther Heinrich
Anja Weiberg
Martin Kusch