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(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bern, Deadline: 20.01.2025)
Two PhD positions in the project "Worldly Indeterminacy"
New Work on Laws of Nature
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bern, Deadline: 20.01.2025)
Two PhD positions in the project "Worldly Indeterminacy"
The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bern offers two PhD
positions within the project "Worldly Indeterminacy", which is funded by
an SNSF Consolidator Grant. The working hypothesis of the project is
that there are facts about the world that remain indeterminate no matter
how much we know. The goal is to develop a metaphysical theory of this
indeterminacy and to investigate its consequences for normative
questions, especially the attribution of responsibility.
The project group will consist of four members: Prof. Dr. Vera
Hoffmann-Kolss (PI, University of Bern), Dr. Jonas Werner (University of
Bern), and two PhD students.
The deadline for applications is January 20, 2025.
More information about the positions and the application process is
available here:
New Work on Laws of Nature
Workshop 13. January 2025, 15:00; Köln
15:00-16:00 Samuele Fasol (Rom): Kant's Constitutive Principles and
the Laws of Nature.
16:05-17:05 Kristina Engelhard (Trier): Causal Physical Powers,
Causal Cognitive Powers and A Dualist Account of Laws.
Coffee break
17:20-18:20 Andreas Hüttemann (Köln): Solving the Access Problem:
Invariance and Nomological Necessity.
18:25-19:25 Siegfried Jaag (Düsseldorf): The Counterfactual
Resilience of laws: A Reply to Lange.
If you are interested in participating please contact Andreas Hüttemann: