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Beiträge, die uns bis Freitag 10 Uhr erreichen, werden per GAP-Infomail
am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
(1) CALL FOR PAPERS (Salzburg, Deadline: 28.02.2025)
Dignity in the Digital Age
(2) CALL FOR PAPERS (Duisburg/Essen, Deadline: 28.02.2025)
Online Conference "The Language of Psychotherapy: An Interdisciplinary
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (Salzburg, Deadline: 01.05.2025)
Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy: SOPhiA 2025
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Special Issue, Deadline: 01.11.2025)
Inquiry: Insights through Metaphors
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 23-24.01.2025)
Workshop on Recent Work on Authoritative and Formal Normativity
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Tutzing, 01-02.03.2025)
Veranstaltung "Und was bringt ein Argument, das die Leute nicht bewegt?"
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Göttingen, 17.03.2025)
2025: Aufwind! Abschlusstagung des Verbundprojekts Bildersturm
(1) CALL FOR PAPERS (Salzburg, Deadline: 28.02.2025)
Dignity in the Digital Age
June 17 to 18, 2024 (lunch to lunch)
University of Salzburg
Organizers: Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg) and Michael Zichy (Bonn)
Invited speakers: Marcel Becker and Adrienne de Ruiter
In an era where digitalization permeates every aspect of our lives, the
concept of dignity is being redefined and challenged in unprecedented
ways. This conference and book volume seek to explore the multifaceted
relationship between digitalization and dignity, addressing the
challenges that technological advancements pose, for example, to our
fundamental rights, privacy, and sense of self-worth. We invite scholars
from various philosophical backgrounds and disciplines to contribute to
this critical discourse.Issues of control, safety, respect, and justice
in online spaces demand urgent attention, calling for a reevaluation of
existing ethical frameworks and political philosophies. The opacity of
complex algorithms, often referred to as the "black box" problem, poses
significant challenges to explainability and transparency, making it
difficult for users to understand how decisions affecting them are made.
This also calls to address the need for robust regulation and policies
to mitigate the adverse effects of digitalization on society.
Discussions on digital literacy are also encouraged, as empowering
individuals with the knowledge to navigate digital spaces is essential
for protecting their dignity and rights. Contributions that offer
insights into the ethical considerations and propose solutions for
enhancing fairness and reducing discrimination - for example with
respect to vulnerable and marginalized groups - in digital systems are
highly valued.
This call for papers seeks to foster a philosophical dialogue that not
only critiques the current state of digital technologies but also
envisions a future where dignity is upheld in the face of rapid
technological advancement. Papers will be featured in a book volume
dedicated to this theme.
We invite abstracts of 500 words (in Word format) and a brief CV. Travel
and accommodation expenses up to 500EUR can be covered. Please send your
abstract before February 28 to the organizers @ this email address:
(2) CALL FOR PAPERS (Duisburg/Essen, Deadline: 28.02.2025)
Online Conference "The Language of Psychotherapy: An Interdisciplinary
The research project "The Therapeutic Game" (PI Stefan Rinner) funded by
the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and based at the Department of Philosophy
at the University of Duisburg-Essen is organising an interdisciplinary
two-day online conference on questions regarding language and its use in
psychotherapeutic settings, to be held via Zoom on May 15 and 16. Our
goal is to bring together researchers interested in this topic from
different fields, including philosophy, linguistics, psychology,
psychiatry, communication studies, and sociology. We invite submissions
of abstracts for presentations by researchers from all career stages,
including graduate students. Topics may include, but are not limited to,
the following:
- features and functions of therapeutic speech and conversations
- linguistic models and explanations of the various functions and
effects of therapeutic speech
- application of tools or models developed in other areas of research to
therapeutic speech
- similarities between therapeutic speech and other socially relevant
kinds of speech (e.g., hate speech and political speech)
The submitted abstracts should be 500 words and indicate the intended
kind of presentation:
(i) Regular: 20 min presentation, 10 min discussion
(ii) Exploratory: 5 min presentation, 10 min discussion
Please send your abstract as a .pdf file to stefan.rinner(a)uni-due.de.
The deadline for submission is February 28 2025. The conference language
will be English.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the research project
and selections made on the basis of judgments of quality and fit with
the workshop topic and aims. Decisions will be communicated by the end
of March 2025.
For more information on the research project visit:
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (Salzburg, Deadline: 01.05.2025)
Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy: SOPhiA 2025
September 03 - 05, 2025
Department of Philosophy (Humanities), University of Salzburg, Austria
Mode: in-person conference
SOPhiA 2025 provides an opportunity for students and doctoral candidates
in philosophy to take a first peek into the philosophical business and
to get in touch with prospective and well established philosophers.
Contributions in every discipline of philosophy (epistemology, ethics,
logic, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion,
philosophy of science, etc.) are welcome. As common in analytic
philosophy, contributors should make use of understandable language as
well as rational argumentation. In addition to the conference
presentations there will also be affiliated workshops on selected topics
in analytic philosophy.
_Keynote Speakers:_
* Ophelia Deroy (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
* Stavros Ioannidis [in person] & Stathis Psillos [online] (National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens)
* David Lanius (University of Salzburg)
_Call for papers:_
Students and doctoral candidates (pre-doc) in philosophy are encouraged
to submit an abstract prepared for double-blind review. We are committed
to fostering diversity and equality in our programs. Submissions from
underrepresented groups are particularly welcome. Abstracts should not
exceed 2.000 _characters_.
All submissions should be suitable for a presentation of approximately
20 minutes in length (plus 10 minutes discussion). The conference
language is English. Please submit your abstract at
<http://www.sophia-conference.org [1]> until May 1, 2025. Note that
authors may appear as co-authors on multiple submissions, but not more
often than once as first author/presenter. Attendees who do not wish to
present are asked to register in advance by emailing to
_SOPhiA best paper award:_
Contributors are also invited to submit a full paper (of up to 8.000
words) not including any author or affiliation information. A jury will
evaluate all submissions and will determine the winning paper. A
selection of full papers will, in addition, undergo double-blind
peer-review and be considered for publication in KRITERION - Journal of
Philosophy free of article processing charges. Please prepare your full
paper according to the guidelines available at
<http://degruyter.com/krt> and submit it via the link provided there.
When submitting your manuscript via the journal's submission system,
please select „Special Issue: SOPhiA Best paper Award" as the issue
type. Note that only full papers in English submitted before the general
deadline (May 1, 2025) can be considered for the SOPhiA best paper award
and that contributors are not allowed to be first or co-author of more
than one paper submitted for the SOPhiA best paper award. Please be
aware that only contributions that have also been submitted as a regular
SOPhiA talk will be considered for the SOPhiA best paper award.
_Submission deadline:_ May 1, 2025
_Notification deadline:_ June 1, 2025
www.sophia-conference.org [1]
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Special Issue, Deadline: 01.11.2025)
Inquiry: Insights through Metaphors
Journal: _Inquiry: An interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy_
Guest Editors:
Jochen Briesen (Heidelberg University)
Jacob Hesse (Ruhr-University Bochum)
This special issue is based on a conference that was held in June 2024
at the University of Konstanz. Traditionally, discussions of metaphor
tend to emphasize either its aesthetic aspect, often at the expense of
its epistemic value, or vice versa. Our hypothesis, however, is that the
aesthetic dimension of metaphors can actively contribute to and enhance
their epistemic significance. We think that this investigation naturally
leads to questions about the relationship between metaphors and images.
For instance, to what extent do metaphors possess pictorial qualities?
Some scholars have even suggested the existence of genuine visual
metaphors. In this context, it is worth exploring the distinct
properties metaphors acquire when realized visually. Further questions
are: Can the epistemic value of metaphors be clarified by drawing upon
the epistemic value of images? How do the aesthetic and epistemic
aspects of images and metaphors relate to each other? What epistemic
value can art and aesthetic objects in general hold? Is there a unique
epistemic value inherent in metaphors themselves? Which value can
metaphors and analogies have for science and (scientific) understanding
in general?
We invite contributions that explore these and other related questions
from the perspectives of philosophy of language, linguistics,
epistemology, philosophy of science, aesthetics, art history, or
cultural studies.
The deadline for submissions is November 1st, 2025.
Submissions should be made through the journal's online system. When
submitting, please be sure to select our special issue from the dropdown
menu provided. If this step is missed, the manuscript will be processed
as a regular submission.
You find the submission portal here:
Submission guidelines:
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Jacob Hesse
(jacob.hesse(a)rub.de) or Jochen Briesen
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 23-24.01.2025)
Workshop on Recent Work on Authoritative and Formal Normativity
The workshop will take place at the _Neue Universität_ in Heidelberg. If
you want to attend in person, please register with us in advance
(michael.vollmer(a)uni-heidelberg.de). The talks will be accessible online
via the following link
10:00 - 10:15 Welcome
10:15 - 11:25 Jonathan Way - _The Normativity Challenge_
11:40 - 12:50 Jack Woods - _tba_
Extended Lunchbreak & Social Activity
15:45 - 16:55 Michael Vollmer - _Doing without 'Authority'?_
17:10 - 18:20 Elizabeth Ventham - _Non-Moral Blame and Criticism_
19:30 Dinner
10:00 - 10:15 Welcome
10:15 - 11:25 Eline Gerritsen - _Questioning the Normative Status of
Social Norms_
11:40 - 12:50 Derek Baker - _Deliberation without Authority_
Extended Lunchbreak & Social Activity
15:45 - 16:55 Susanne Mantel - _A Normative Take on the Ought
17:10 - 18:20 James Brown - _Welfare Subjects and Prudential
19:30 Dinner
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Tutzing, 01-02.03.2025)
Veranstaltung "Und was bringt ein Argument, das die Leute nicht bewegt?"
_"Und was bringt ein Argument, das die Leute nicht bewegt?"_
_Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Argumentierens in Politik und
In Kooperation mit dem DFG-Netzwerk "Argumentieren in der Schule" und
der Universität Mainz
Leitung: Laura Martena / Dominik Balg
Die Debattenkultur steckt in einer tiefen Krise. Das ist jedenfalls
seit Jahren überall zu hören und zu lesen. Haben wir das Argumentieren
verlernt? Oder waren wir nie besonders gut darin? Wozu sollten wir
überhaupt in den argumentativen Austausch mit anderen treten, und
warum fällt uns das so schwer? Bei der Tagung suchen wir Antworten.
Dazu betrachten wir im ersten Teil aktuelle Diagnosen des Stands der
Debattenkultur. Dabei werden wir unter anderem auf wachsende Sachferne
und Wahrheitsvergessenheit, Emotionalisierung und Verrohung stoßen. In
einem solchen Klima scheinen sachliche Argumente einen besonders
schlechten Stand zu haben. Sollten wir daher unter anderem bei
ethischen und politischen Kontroversen besser auf das Argumentieren
verzichten und stattdessen versuchen, unsere Positionen mit anderen
Mitteln durchzusetzen? Eine alternative Reaktion könnte darin bestehen,
sich stärker um die Ausbildung und Förderung argumentativer Fähigkeiten
und Haltungen zu bemühen. Da wir diese nicht immer schon besitzen,
sondern erst erwerben müssen, bedürfte es dazu neuer Bildungsformate. Im
zweiten Teil der Tagung stellen wir unter anderem Praxis-Projekte vor,
die eben dies leisten sollen. Zum Abschluss loten wir aus, inwieweit
sich die Debattenkultur durch solche Initiativen verbessern lässt. Die
Tagung richtet sich an Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren im
schulischen und außerschulischen Bildungsbereich und darüber hinaus an
alle Interessierten.
Anmeldung und Programm:
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Göttingen, 17.03.2025)
2025: Aufwind! Abschlusstagung des Verbundprojekts Bildersturm
Einladung zu 2025: Aufwind! Abschlusstagung des Verbundprojekts
Bildersturm (Göttingen, 17.03.2025)
Die Abschlusstagung des Verbundprojekts „Bildersturm: Frauen in der
Philosophie sichtbar machen und neue Vorbilder etablieren [2]" findet am
Montag, dem 17. März 2025, von 12:00 bis 19:30 Uhr in der Historischen
Sternwarte Göttingen statt. Im Fokus stehen die Präsentation von
Handreichungen zu Kanon und Vorbildern in der Philosophie, eine
Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertreter:innen der Fachgesellschaften DGPhil, GAP
und SWIP Germany sowie eine Keynote von Eva Weber-Guskar
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum) zum Thema „Akademische Philosophie sichtbar
machen - ‚Gefühle der Zukunft' als Lehrstück". Wir freuen uns auf Ihre
Anmeldung bis zum 13. März 2025 per Email an
Wir wurden gebeten, folgende Korrekturen zu Ankündigungen durchzugeben:
GAP Infomail 35-2024: Die Registrierungsfrist für die Veranstaltung "How
we do (not) talk about mistaken beliefs" (6-7 Februar, 2025, HHU
Düsseldorf) wurde verlängert: The deadline to register for in-person
attendance is 28 January 2025. The deadline to register for online
attendance is 4 February 2025.