Dear VDP members,
You are welcome to register on this workshop on digital storytelling in
science communication. Participants will learn from scratch how to craft
storylines and storyboards, as well as navigate the technical aspects of
filming. By the end, they will not just gain skills—they will take home
a short film or reel showcasing their research.
We have a professional story board writer and film maker on board along
with the social media team from the UoV to provide feedback.…
You should be able to register, but if not they can simply write an
email to martina.steer(a)
For a quick look check our websites:……
Best wishes,
Tina & Eva
PD Dr. Martina Steer
Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies
Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 4277 40008
Email: martina.steer(a)