-------- Originalnachricht --------
GAP Infomail 05-2025
04.02.2025 04:34
GAP Infomails <info(a)gap-im-netz.de>
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Beiträge, die uns bis Freitag 10 Uhr erreichen, werden per GAP-Infomail
am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bielefeld, Deadline: 24.02.2025)
ISoS-Koordination (Forschungsmanagement/Wissenschaftsforschung)
(2) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Berlin, Deadline: 28.02.2025)
Research fellow (m/f/d) in the DFG-funded project "Reasonable Ideals"
(exp. 65% part-time, E 13 TV-L HU, 3 years)
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (Neuchâtel, Deadline: 15.03.2025)
The 2025 Symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Gießen, Deadline: 20.03.2025)
dia:logos - 10. Studentische Tagung für Philosophie
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum, 17-19.03.2025)
Rudolf-Carnap Lectures 2025
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum, 24-27.03.2025)
RTG 'Situated Cognition' Spring School (SCSS) 2025: Situated Cognition
in Human Minds, Animal Minds and AI Systems
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bielefeld, Deadline: 24.02.2025)
ISoS-Koordination (Forschungsmanagement/Wissenschaftsforschung)
An der Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft/ Philosophie/ Theologie an
der Universität Bielefeld ist die folgende Position zu besetzen:
_Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) (PostDoc) für die
Koordination des Institute for Studies of Science (ISoS)_
Start: 01.04.2025, Vollzeit, Vergütung nach E13 TV-L, befristet auf 3
bzw. 5 Jahre
_Bewerbungsfrist: 24. Februar 2025_
Zum 01.04.2025 wird das Institute for Studies of Science (ISoS) als
Zentrale Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Universität Bielefeld neu
eingerichtet. Am ISoS sind die Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft und die
Abteilung Philosophie der Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft,
Philosophie und Theologie, die Medizinische Fakultät OWL und die
Fakultät fürSoziologie beteiligt. Das ISoS ist ein Ort, an dem
wissenschaftsreflexive Forschung und Lehre stattfindet und gefördert
wird. Unsere Forschung ist integrativ, weil sie verschiedene
wissenschaftsreflexive Disziplinen zusammenbringt (v.a. historische,
philosophische und soziologische Perspektiven auf Wissenschaft); sie ist
interdisziplinär, weil sie nicht nur über Wissenschaft reflektiert,
sondern dies in z. T. enger Zusammenarbeit mit Wissenschaftler*innen
macht; sie ist immersiv, weil sie Wissenschaft als verwoben mit der
Gesellschaft betrachtet und nicht nur wissenschaftlich sondern auch
gesellschaftlich relevant sein will.
Mit der ausgeschriebenen Stelle soll v. a. die Forschung am ISoS sowie
der laufende Betrieb des ISoS organisatorisch unterstützt werden. _Die
Stelle kann in zwei Varianten besetzt werden:_ mit einem Schwerpunkt im
Bereich des Forschungsmanagements, aber mit einem Anteil eigenständiger
Forschung _(Variante 1) oder_ als eine reine Forschungsmanagement-Stelle
_(Variante 2)_. Bewerber*innen können sich entsprechend ihrer bisherigen
Karriere und ihren beruflichen Zielen auch auf beide Varianten bewerben
und sich später im Prozess entscheiden.
_Ihre Aufgaben_
Vielfältige Aufgaben im Bereich des Forschungsmanagements und der
Forschungsorganisation _(Variante 1: 70%; Variante 2: 95 %)_, z. B.:
- Förderung der Vernetzung und Kooperationen zwischen den beteiligten
- Unterstützung von Drittmittelanträgen
- Vernetzung mit nationalen und internationalen Science Studies Zentren
- Organisation von wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen (Workshops,
Konferenzen, Tagungen, etc.)
- Organisationsunterstützung des ISoS- Kolloquiums
- Kommunikation nach außen (z. B. Website) und in die Universität hinein
eigenständige Forschung in der Wissenschaftsreflexion oder in
angrenzenden Bereichen _(Variante 1: 25 %; Variante 2:0 %)_
Wahrnehmung von Aufgaben in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung (5 %)
- Vor- und Nachbereitung von Direktoriumssitzungen und
- Korrespondenz mit dem wissenschaftlichen Beirat
- (An-)Leitung der Hilfskräfte
Weitere Informationen:
(2) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Berlin, Deadline: 28.02.2025)
Research fellow (m/f/d) in the DFG-funded project "Reasonable Ideals"
(exp. 65% part-time, E 13 TV-L HU, 3 years)
_Kennziffer: _DR/008/25
_Kategorie(n): _Wissenschaftliches Personal
_Anzahl der Stellen: _1
_Einsatzort: __Faculty of Arts and Humanities __- Department of
_Bewerbung bis: _28.02.25
_Text: _The PhD position is part of the DFG project 'Reasonable Ideals:
Metaphysics and Meta-metaphysics in Kant's Transcendental Dialectic'.
This project re-examines Kant's Transcendental Dialectic, challenging
the traditional view that Kant held a purely negative attitude towards
rationalist metaphysics. lnstead, the project aims to uncover Kant's
nuanced and, at times, positive take on the ideas of reason - the soul,
the world, and God. In doing so, it offers fresh insights into Kant
scholarship that also open new avenues for contemporary debates in
The project is based at the Humboldt-University of Berlin and is led by
Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt, who will also be the PhD supervisor. The
project benefits from a strong network of national and international
collaborations. lt is embedded in the Classical German Philosophy
platform, which connects Kant scholars in the Berlin region. In
addition, the project is supported by the following international
partners: Andrew Chignell (Princeton University), Eric Watkins (UCSD),
Nicholas Stang (University of Toronto) and Maya Krishnan (University of
The research fellow will be expected to contribute original research on
the themes of the project. Active participation in Kant reading groups,
the weekly colloquium and other scholarly activities is expected. The
research fellow should contribute to a vibrant intellectual community.
This will be matched by substantial institutional support. There will be
funding for (international) travel and financial support to organise
workshops on topics of choice. There will also be opportunities to
engage with the scholars and partners affiliated with the project. There
will be teaching opportunities, but teaching is not required.
_Job description:_
* scientific services in research in the DFG-funded project ´Reasonable
Ideals: Metaphysics and Meta-metaphysics in Kant's Transcendental
* active participation in Kant reading groups, the weekly colloquium and
other scholarly activities within the DFG-funded project
* tasks for personal scientific qualification (doctoral degree)
* completed scientific university education in philosophy (Master`s
degree or equivalent)
* relevant PhD project
* strong background in Kant's theoretical philosophy
* additional knowledge in one or more of the following areas desired:
Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language
* fluency in English or German
* reading proficiency in German preferred
_Bewerbung an:_
Please send your application (including cover letter, academic CV,
research statement incl. description of PhD project, writing sample
(ideally on Kant), 2 letters of recommendation and copies of relevant
certificates and documents) referencing the _job id_ to
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
Department of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt, Unter den Linden
6, 10099 Berlin or preferably in electronic form as a single PDF file to
The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is seeking to increase the proportion
of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified
female scholars to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent
qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an
immigration history are specifically encouraged to apply. Since we will
not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.
Data protection information on the processing of your personal data in
the context of the tender and selection procedure can be found on the
homepage of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:
Please visit our website
www.hu-berlin.de/stellenangebote [1], which
gives you access to the legally binding German version.
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (Neuchâtel, Deadline: 15.03.2025)
The 2025 Symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society
August, 27th - 29th, 2025, Université de Neuchâtel
The concept of neutrality permeates philosophy, science, and everyday
life. From state neutrality in international relations to value
neutrality in social sciences, from emotional neutrality to neutral
monism in metaphysics, this fundamental concept raises crucial questions
across disciplines.
* Political Philosophy: State neutrality in international relations and
domestic policy
* Philosophy of Science: Value neutrality, scientific objectivity
* Ethics: Neutrality of meta-ethics, agent-neutral reasons, population
* Epistemology: Suspension of judgment between belief and disbelief
* (Meta)metaphysics: Neutrality of metaphysical frameworks, descriptive
vs critical metaphysics
* Philosophy of Mind: Neutral monism, psychological descriptions
* Logic and Mathematics: Ontological neutrality, zero values
* Social Philosophy: Institutional neutrality in universities, media,
and public spaces
* ...
Key Questions
Papers may explore any aspect of neutrality across philosophical
domains. Potential questions include, but are not limited to:
* Is there a common core concept of neutrality that cuts across ethics,
logic, philosophy of mind, politics, economics, science, etc., or are
there only fragmented, loosely related uses of a single term?
* Should neutrality be understood as an absence or rather as a balance
between opposing forces, ideas, or actions?
* If neutrality is an absence, what is it an absence of?
* If neutrality is a balance, what is it a balance between, and how is
the opposition to be understood?
* What kinds of entities can be said to be neutral?
* Is neutrality a good thing (perhaps on a par with impartiality) or a
bad thing (perhaps on a par with compromise, in the negative sense)?
* Is neutrality achievable?
* Is a form of neutrality (e.g., political neutrality) desirable in some
contexts (e.g., schools) and not in others (e.g., the political arena)?
* What is the opposite of neutral: biased, subjective, unbalanced,
one-sided, opinionated, prejudiced, committed, engaged, value-laden,
* What is the relationship between neutrality and cognate ideas such as
impartiality, compromise, pluralism, agnosticism, balance or moderation?
* ...
Up to 60 papers will be selected for presentation. We welcome
submissions on the conference theme from all areas of philosophy and the
history of philosophy. Beyond scholarly quality, the primary selection
criterion is relevance to the overarching theme of the conference. The
questions mentioned above serve only as suggestions; submissions need
not focus on them, provided they engage with the conference topic in
some way. Each talk will be allocated 40 minutes, with a maximum of 25
minutes for the presentation and at least 15 minutes for Q&A.
Submissions should be sent via email to neuchtrality(a)gmail.com by _March
15, 2025_. Please submit an anonymized PDF file containing an extended
abstract of approximately 650-850 words (excluding references), a short
abstract (100-150 words), and at least three keywords. Your full name,
title, and affiliation must be included in the body of the email.
Decisions will be communicated by May 31.
Submissions may be in English, German, French, or Italian, though
English contributions are expected to attract the largest audience. We
particularly encourage submissions from postdoctoral researchers and
advanced Ph.D. students.
A participation fee of CHF 60 applies, with a 50% reduction for
students, including Ph.D. candidates. Unfortunately, we are unable to
provide travel grants or accommodation stipends.
August, 27th - 29th, 2025, Université de Neuchâtel
Institut de langue et civilisation françaises
Faubourg de l'Hôpital 61-63
2000 Neuchâtel
Prof. Olivier Massin, olivier.massin(a)unine.ch
(4) CALL FOR PAPERS (Gießen, Deadline: 20.03.2025)
dia:logos - 10. Studentische Tagung für Philosophie
dia:logos bietet Student:Innen aller Fachrichtungen die Möglichkeit,
ihre philosophischen Arbeiten in einem 30 minütigen Vortrag mit
anschließender Diskussion zu präsentieren.
Wann: 30.05. bis 01.06.2025 Wo: JLU Gießen
Interessierte senden bitte ein anonymes Abstract (max. 2000 Zeichen) bis
20.03.2025 mit dem Betreff "Einreichung Dialogos 2025" an
Folgende Informationen sind in der E-Mail anzugeben:
Name (gerne Pronomen), Vortragstitel, E-Mail-Adresse, Institution und
akademische Titel
Wir ermutigen besonders Personen, die zu unterrepräsentierten Gruppen in
der Philosophie zählen, zur Einreichung. Bei Barrieren, z.B. bei der
Abstracterstellung, bieten wir individuelle Unterstützung an.
Übernachtungen für Vortragende können bereitgestellt und Reisekosten
bezuschusst werden.
Weitere Infos zu Ort, Ablauf und Programm findet ihr auf Instagram
(@inphiloencer) oder unter
www.uni-giessen.de/Dialogos [2]. Rückfragen
bitte an Dialogos(a)phil.uni-giessen.de.
dia:logos wird gefördert durch die Gesellschaft für Analytische
Philosophie (GAP) e.V.
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum, 17-19.03.2025)
Rudolf-Carnap Lectures 2025
_March 17-19, 2025 | Ruhr University Bochum_
It's an honour and a pleasure to announce that the Carnap Lectures in
2025 will be delivered by
_Prof. Peter Carruthers, University of Maryland_
For the last decades, he has contributed a rich body of very influential
work on many aspects of the mind, engaging with work in philosophy of
mind, philosophy of psychology, and cognitive science which will be
reflected in his four keynote lectures which will be streamed also on
zoom. Here is the full program for this years' lectures:
_Monday, March 17th, 2025_
12.30 - 14.00 _Keynote 1: Peter Carruthers:_ _The Interpretative
Sensory-Access Theory of Self-Knowledge: The Case of Inner Speech_
14.30 - 15.15 _Romain Bourdoncle_ (Collège de France): _Inner
Speech in Borderline Personality Disorder_
15.45 - 16.30 _Rasmus Overmark_ (University of St Andrews):
_Competence and performance in mindreading development_
16.30 - 17.15 _Mathijs Geurts_ (University of Salzburg): _Your
guess is as good as mine: explaining speaker deference in conversation_
18.00 - 19.30 _Keynote 2: __Public Lecture: Peter Carruthers:_
_Understanding Human Motives: Hedonism, Altruism, and Tribalism_
19.30 Dinner at QWest on Campus
_Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 _
09.00 - 09.15 Welcome/Coffee
09.15 - 10.45 _Keynote 3: __Peter Carruthers__:_ _The Nature of
Pleasure and Desire: Where Philosophers Go Wrong _
11.00 - 11.45 _Sergiu Spatan_ (Technical University Dresden): _On
the Feelings of (Un)certainty_
11.45 - 12.30 _Renee Ye_ (Ruhr-University Bochum): _AI
Companionship and Human Motives_
12.45 - 13.30 _Frederik Junker_ (University of Copenhagen): _From
Daydreams to Decisions_
14.45 - 17.00 Excursion (optional) to Exhibition at Dortmunder U
19.00 Dinner at Living Room (Bochum)
_Wednesday, March 19th, 2025_
09.15 - 09.30 Welcome/Coffee
09.30 - 10.15 _José Curbera-Luis_ (University of Edinburgh):
_Collapsing the distinction between weak and strong illusionism_
10.15 - 11.00 _Maria Fülberth_ (University of Konstanz):
_Motivation Matters: the correct way to control belief formation_
11.20 - 12.50 _Keynote 4: Peter Carruthers__:_ _Stop Caring About
(Phenomenal) Consciousness_
13.00 Lunch and End
_Zoom-Link for 4 Keynotes:_
Meeting-ID: 821 7545 4633, Code: 47xbd9
If you want to participate in the event, please register by email to Dr.
des. Maja Griem center-mindcognition(a)rub.de as well.
Further details:
www.pe.rub.de/carnaplectures [3]
_Scientific Organization: _
Albert Newen & Tobias Schlicht, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum, 24-27.03.2025)
RTG 'Situated Cognition' Spring School (SCSS) 2025: Situated Cognition
in Human Minds, Animal Minds and AI Systems
_Call for Registration_
March 24 - 27
ZEMOS, Ruhr University Bochum
This spring school brings together a diverse range of researchers
working on mind and cognition, and how they relate to the body and
environment. We strive to provide an extensive overview of
state-of-the-art theorizing, experimenting, observing and surveying of
all kinds of situated phenomena in humans, non-human animals and AI
systems. The relevance and impact of these advancements is then also
reflected upon for the scientific domain and beyond. We are therefore
delighted to have a lineup of excellent keynotes coming from diverse
backgrounds and with different interests ranging from, but are not
limited to, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, animal research,
sociology, and artificial systems. To give us insights into the
interdisciplinary topics, we are delighted to announce the diverse range
of speakers guiding us through their work:
_Keynote Speakers (alphabetical order)_
* Zanna Clay (Durham University)
* Anna Ciaunica (University of Lisbon)
* Andreas K. Engel (UKE Hamburg)
* Anja Gampe (University Duisburg-Essen)
* Fiona Macpherson (University of Glasgow)
* Celine Riera (Cedars-Sinai, LA)
* Tobias Thelen (Osnabrück University)
* Somogy Varga (Aarhus University)
_The full schedule and all further information can be found on our
website at:_
_situated-cognition.com/scss-2025/ [4]_
_Participation and Registration_
The keynote talks will be streamed via Zoom (link posted on the
website). Online participation is free and requires no registration. The
Zoom details will be posted on our website before the event.
If you would like to participate as a guest listener on-site, please
register via email to _Rebecca Watzlawek (rwatzlawek [at] uos DOT de) by
March 3rd_ at the latest so that we can prepare the venue location
accordingly. Attendance is free as we are a DFG-funded Research Training
Group located at Ruhr University Bochum and Osnabrück University.
This workshop is organized by members of the RTG "Situated Cognition":
* Julia Wolf (Scientific coordinator, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
* Albert Newen (Speaker; Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
* Nikola Kompa (Deputy speaker; Universität Osnabrück)
* Louis Loock (Deputy scientific coordinator; Universität Osnabrück)
Wir wurden gebeten, folgende Korrekturen zu Ankündigungen durchzugeben:
GAP Infomail 50-2024: The deadline for contributions to the "Workshop
with Jonathan Birch (LSE): The Edge of Sentience" has been extended to
February 15, 2025.