Dear all,
on Saturday, March 15th, the Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy is
organizing its Internal Workshop. The Internal Workshop provides you
with a space to present your work; no matter whether it is a finished
theory that you just feel like presenting, or an early draft you need
some feedback on. The topic of your work could be anything, so long as
it is broadly philosophy adjacent. This is your opportunity to practice,
develop and share your ideas. Additionally, there will be ample time
throughout the day to socialize, continue discussing, and enjoy a
coffee/snack break.
If you are interested in presenting something, please email
veronika.lassl(a) until March 8th at the latest. If possible,
include a title for your talk (and ideally a 100-200 word abstract). The
format is very relaxed and informal, so no worries if anything about the
content of your proposal changes. We usually allot 45-minute slots per
person, with about 25-30 minutes for your talk and 20-15 minutes for the
Q&A. If you want a shorter session (e.g. if you only want to give a
15-minute talk), please tell us in your email. Also, if you have any
preferences about when during the day your talk will take place (in the
morning/afternoon...), please include that as well.
If you need additional inspiration, you can check out the WFAP's website
( [1]) and see what people
presented in the previous years.
The workshop will take place in room 3D, NIG.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Veronika Lassl