Dear all,
I’m happy to announce our next workshop on the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship Application, which will take place on
February 27th at 17:00 CET online. We have a panel of three guests who
will share their insights and experiences to help prospective applicants
navigate the process successfully.
Marie Curie Fellowship Application Workshop
Where to Start and How to Excel Your MSC Fellowship Application
Speakers: Magdalena Małecka, Marta Sznajder, Adriana Zaharijević
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 17:00 - 18:30 CET
Registration: aleksandra.knezevic(a)
The_ Early Career Scholars Working Group _of the East European Network
for Philosophy of Science (EENPS) invites you to an online Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship Application Workshop “Where to Start and
How to Excel Your MSC Fellowship Application.”
In this session, you will gain firsthand insights from three different
• Magdalena (Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies,
Aarhus University) will share her experience on how she identified a
mentor and host institution, developed her research question, and
navigated unexpected challenges during her application.
• Marta (Institute Vienna Circle, University of Vienna)
will expand on these topics by providing practical advice on composing a
competitive research proposal.
• Adriana (Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory,
University of Belgrade) will conclude with an evaluator’s perspective,
highlighting what distinguishes an excellent application from a very
good one, common pitfalls, and tips on making proposals stand out.
This workshop is ideal for prospective MSC applicants and early career
researchers looking to pursue international research opportunities.
The introductory presentations by the speakers will last 30min,
followed by 45min Q&A.
To register, please send a short email to
aleksandra.knezevic(a) The Zoom link will be sent on the day
of the workshop.
I'm sending here the Zoom link on the day of the workshop!
All the best,