Dear Valentin,
It was interesting to meet you yesterday. I am happy you have decided to
join the VDP.
You have been added to our mailing list (VDP Mailing List
<vdp(a)>)t>). You can send messages to that list to all VDP
members, after approval of the moderator. So, please just send a regular
invitation email whenever you want to share events of yours with the PhD
I also added you to our moodle course. Please have a look at the
resources there. Information and the forms for applying for funds from
VDP are available there, info. on reinbursements, and many more
Finally, I need to ask you to send me a profile that I can publish on
our webpage. If possible, please try to keep it concise. See:
Many thanks and please write me if you need any support,
On 11.02.2025 16:10, Valentin Cyrill Schwab wrote:
Dear Raphael,
thank you again for your help and your time yesterday!
I, Valentin Schwab MA (a0601492), hereby request membership of the
Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy; and I agree to the Code of Good
Kind regards,
MSc. Mag. Raphael Aybar, BA
Scientific Coordinator
Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7, B0301
1010 Wien