Hi there,
hier war wiederholt darüber geschrieben worden, dass es nicht nur aufs Verstehen, sondern
auch aufs Begreifen ankomme. In der Philosophie reicht das Verstehen hin, sofern es
Nachvollziehbarkeit einschließt. Gleichwohl könnte das Denken neurologisch intuitiv dem
Begreifen folgen und der Neocortex ähnlich dem entorhinal cortex strukturiert sein. Siehe
dazu "A Framework for Intelligence and Cortical Function Based on Grid Cells in the
Abstract: "How the neocortex works is a mystery. In this paper we propose a novel
framework for understanding its function. Grid cells are neurons in the entorhinal cortex
that represent the location of an animal in its environment. Recent evidence suggests that
grid cell-like neurons may also be present in the neocortex. We propose that grid cells
exist throughout the neocortex, in every region and in every cortical column. They define
a location-based framework for how the neocortex functions. Whereas grid cells in the
entorhinal cortex represent the location of one thing, the body relative to its
environment, we propose that cortical grid cells simultaneously represent the location of
many things. Cortical columns in somatosensory cortex track the location of tactile
features relative to the object being touched and cortical columns in visual cortex track
the location of visual features relative to the object being viewed. We propose that
mechanisms in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus that evolved for learning the
structure of environments are now used by the neocortex to learn the structure of objects.
Having a representation of location in each cortical column suggests mechanisms for how
the neocortex represents object compositionality and object behaviors. It leads to the
hypothesis that every part of the neocortex learns complete models of objects and that
there are many models of each object distributed throughout the neocortex. The similarity
of circuitry observed in all cortical regions is strong evidence that even high-level
cognitive tasks are learned and represented in a location-based framework.“
Dem Framework folgend wird bereits eine alternativ-komplementäre Form der KI zu entwickeln
"Artificial intelligence has advanced rapidly in the last decade, driven primarily by
progress in the scale of deep-learning systems. Despite these advances, the creation of
intelligent systems that can operate effectively in diverse, real-world environments
remains a significant challenge. In this white paper, we outline the Thousand Brains
Project, an ongoing research effort to develop an alternative, complementary form of AI,
derived from the operating principles of the neocortex. We present an early version of a
thousand-brains system, a sensorimotor agent that is uniquely suited to quickly learn a
wide range of tasks and eventually implement any capabilities the human neocortex has.
Core to its design is the use of a repeating computational unit, the learning module,
modeled on the cortical columns found in mammalian brains. Each learning module operates
as a semi-independent unit that can model entire objects, represents information through
spatially structured reference frames, and both estimates and is able to effect movement
in the world. Learning is a quick, associative process, similar to Hebbian learning in the
brain, and leverages inductive biases around the spatial structure of the world to enable
rapid and continual learning. Multiple learning modules can interact with one another both
hierarchically and non-hierarchically via a "cortical messaging protocol" (CMP),
creating more abstract representations and supporting multimodal integration. We outline
the key principles motivating the design of thousand-brains systems and provide details
about the implementation of Monty, our first instantiation of such a system."
https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.18354 <https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.18354>
Ob aus dem THOUSAND BRAINS PROJECT einmal verbesserte autonome Roboter hervorgehen werden,
bleibt abzuwarten.